Actually, there is a list available on the Little Beginnings Horse Info Pages.....
We have our own list as well. PM if you aren't sure of what we use something for.
Foaling Kit
Rubbermaid Container with lid (large enough to easily find/grab items)
• Iodine/Betadine or Nolvasan in a small squirt bottle
• Thermometer
• 60cc syringe with end cut off and inverted for milking mare
• Lubricating Gel
• Surgical rubber gloves
• Ivermectin wormer
• Sharp scissors, preferably surgical
• Human child’s ear/nose rubber syringe
• Human child’s Fleet Enema
• Banamine
• Vet wrap for mare’s tail
• 60cc syringe with tip & 6†vinyl tubing (optional for enema)
• Nylon cord with “d†rings (optional)
• Baling twine or heavy string, about 18â€
• Bottle of Selenium/E for foal shot if in low selenium region
• Bottle of Oxytocin for mare (to bring in milk, if nec. – optional)
• Two – 3cc syringes with ¾ “, 20 gauge needles (for above shots)
Small Garbage Bag to hold placenta. Until then, fill bag with:
• Towels
• Foal Blanket
• Flat Sheet (optional)
Keep close by a Clean Bucket and a larger container of Iodine/Betadine or Nolvasan – whichever you prefer using, incase of a malpresentation.
I originally made this list up for someone I knew who had never foaled out a horse before. It also went with a very conservative step by step instruction of what to watch for and do when their mare went into labor. He ended up having to deal with a Breech Birth, and the foal (filly) came out fine!