Well-Known Member
The Brahmas are awesome, they remind me of Big Bird, kind of gangly, very fluffy. They look big but when you piuck them up they are all feathers. They have feathers on their feet also. I have a rooster that is a big boy but very friendly. They all make this chortling sound to each other and now this little hen is making it to me. She doesn't fight at all when I have to treat her. The brahmas stay right together as a little pack. When they run it is a riot because they have really fluffy butts, to funny.
I have some black chickens to that 2 are roosters, one is getting aggressive to chickens, dogs and humans and I may have to make a decision about him soon. I cant have him attacking everyone. Unfortunately he is my daughters pet, but she is getting afraid of him at this point. Someone told me you can neuter a rooster. Anyone heard of this?
I have some black chickens to that 2 are roosters, one is getting aggressive to chickens, dogs and humans and I may have to make a decision about him soon. I cant have him attacking everyone. Unfortunately he is my daughters pet, but she is getting afraid of him at this point. Someone told me you can neuter a rooster. Anyone heard of this?