For all the "old" and former LB Members

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I've had minis for 26 years, experienced a lot, learned a lot, and still learning lots more from members here.

I lurked for a long time before joining. My best memory was the thread about 'fake Lotto" (I don't recall exactly what the correct name is, lol) traveling around the country from member to member - with photos!
Thank you, Susanne
I read up on the Decoder Ring yesterday... nearly 30 pages of it!!! It served as a good reminder of who we all are to each other
I've been here pretty much since the beginning and the "OLD" forum set up. I have owned minis since 1999. For varies reasons not always a member

I do love the forum, and now I let things that upset me just roll off my back.
I am not an old timer (well, not on LB, but I am in real life), but I HAVE seen the real Flat Lotto, so that should count for something! It was at one of our first mini shows, so probably 2005, and I think Bonnie Fogg brought him..
Definately remember Flat Lotto and the ride to the Nationals. I have been around here for 10+ years. Come back once in a while to read and see what is going on. 22 years with the Mini's. It has been a good time.
OMG do I remember the trip to Nationals thread--what fun. Also remember all the others and Flat Lotto's adventures visiting farm after farm. I got Red Hot (first mini) in 1994 and have been on the forum ever since. Don't post as much these days but I check it every day to see what is going on in the world. Remember a lot of Fundraisers for members and their horses--helping Little Bess was one--I won a breeding to one of REO's stallions and I named the foal Remembering Bess.

What a wonderful journey the LB Forum has been and will continue to be.
I've been around since about 1998, and rarely miss checking the forum at least once a day. Hardly post anymore but can't stand the idea of losing track of so many people I've come to "know" and definatley care about. Seems there is always something to celebrate and someone to pray for. The forum has been a big part of my life for a loooong time, and its more about the people than the horses!

...but I did find one great old goofy thread:

http://www.miniature...ce albert&st=0

I have to go finish reading it...
OMG! Susanne! I just got finished reading that again and although some of the great pictures were gone it was still too freakin' funny! I remember EXACTLY how that started and why. OY! And no, it had nothing to do with the IDIOT TWINS!
I must say I should follow my own advice sometimes too......

I've got everyone BLOCKED! Makes my "job" easier.
I just sign on and say "Oh well, things look quiet today."
Ha Ha! More people should take that advice when there are things said that seem to bother them too much! After all it is not arms and legs!
We have had a lot of fun and will continue to do so. When all else fails a sense of humor should prevail !!!
I'm also one of the original members --- thanks Susanne for pulling out some of the "best" of the oldies!!! LOL!!!!!

Liz N.
I have been here since Jan. of '99, right after I got a computer; someone told me about LB, and I got rignt 'on board'. Have been a member ever since, through at least a couple of 'restructurings' of the Forum site.

I miss a few of the 'originals'...Kris comes immediately to mind, though she's not the only one.

I remember a pair of very 'odd' fellows, who were ultimately(deservedly!)banned, I think. I remember reading about Flat Lotto; that seems relatively 'recent' to me! I remember the (older female)member who seemed SOOO kind and sweet and, etc., etc., and turned out to be a con artist of sorts, to everyone's upset and dismay.

I have never posted 'a lot', and nowadays, am even more of a 'lurker' most of the time, but do read EVERY post on threads that interest me, am sometimes more 'moved' to post my input than others!!

I AM impressed by the 'coming together' for other members, and the sharing of (usually)'good' information and 'tips' here; will likely 'be here' as long as I can operate a computer! I am so glad that 'oldtimers' like me(Mona,who I am proud to have gotten to meet 'in person'); Marty, Susanne, Jill...and SEVERAL others...are still 'actively' here!

Margo(who got my first minis in 1984)
I've been here since 1998. One of the first sites I came across when I got my first computer. I don't post much, but I've been here just sitting back and enjoying the site.

I was n2minis until the forum changed years ago and someone grabbed it before I could sign back on.... so I became CKC after that.
Been a member since 1998 do not post very often although I drop in regularly I remember so many things along the way, Good..bad and indifferent. My heart has been so incredibly happy for some stories and have been completely broke for others.. Saw many great horses rise, saw the horse market change, saw old ones leave new ones come, friendships form, friendships break, been there all along, plan on staying right here until....... Thank you Mary Lou and team for this wonderful site where we have become a mini family...
I think I have been here since a few weeks after it started and still check periodically. I have several members that ask me to respond to some threads and I always try to oblige. Still enjoy it, but usually threads are answered to my satisfaction so I have no need to chime in. I have had miniature sized horses since 1963 (Big Un was 15 when I registered him in AMHA when it started) and Shetlands from 1945 when I was born into a pony family. I am always willing to help but got tired of those who knew so much more than I arguing.

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