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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2007
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I feel like Melody really trusts me. It was so cold outside,,,well 40 degrees and that's cold for us. I went out and opened her gate to the bigger pasture. She was so excited to get out there and start munching on the grass. I told her I couldn't stay outside for long today because I was too cold. I turned and started walking back to the gate but she followed me at a trot and met me at the gate. So I walked her back out to the pasture and she started munching again. Every time I started to turn and leave she would meet me at the gate lol :DOH! Then she started leaping and bounding and spinning and putting on the most exciting show for me
So I started running around with her. There is a disk in her pasture that I have fenced off and she likes to run circles around it. Well I started running circles around it with her. It's like we were playing cat and mouse. I'm sure the neighbors think I have completely lost it lol
Then we started playing horse and cow and she loved that!!! It was just an amazing moment for me because for the first time she didn't stop and stare at me as soon as I started running around. She actually kept playing
She has always been a bit thrown off when I start jumping around acting like her but today she knew we were playing. It was a really great feeling to know she was having fun!!!!! And she warmed me up in the meantime. Because of our rough housing around I was able to stay out there for a whole hour without feeling too cold lol
Anyways I just felt that today was a milestone in our relationship and had to share. It's times like these when I am reminded why I love horses so much. I have had more fun with horses in my life then any none horsey person could ever understand. They provide me with a complete happiness that nothing else can sustain. At least I haven't found anything else
Wow, you 2 must have one heck of a relationship!

Good for you two!!


Congrats!! Sounds like you two had quite the day!!
My Tee boy will play with me like that sometimes. We will take turns chasing each other and boy does it wear me out! But, most of the time he does just give me that look, like what are you doing. I swear if horses could roll their eyes......
Sound s like a great day for you and Melody!

My Giddy does the same, I run and he runs beside me and bucks and kicks up his heels!! it is good exercise too, for both of us...

yes they really do touch a special place in your heart
It sure does warm the heart when you have such a close connection with an animal. Its like they can read your thoughts!!!!! Sounds like an awesome day for you both.
Wow! I wish it was 40 degrees here! I'll trade your 40 degrees for our 10 & 20 degrees that we've had!

Is that your only mini? She must think of your as her playmate and her buddy! Horses are herd bound horses and like to naturally "bond" with another horse or the closest thing to it. It's great she thinks of you as her buddy and you guys are close! I had a big horse when I was a young teenager that was my best friend and we were EXTREMLY close! That's a GREAT feeling to have!
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They playing is cool and called natural horsemanship - Pat Parelli uses it to break horses and it is really neat when you make a connection with a horse and they almost read your mind. I have a 4 year old stallion that loves to play fetch with his jolly ball. The scariest part was to learn to stand and let him run at you with the ball in his mouth. But he does stop a few feet in front of me and then he like blows the ball at me, giving it back so I can throw it for him again.
I enjoy watching Pat but I have never tried any of his stuff. It's pretty amazing the things you can do with horses if your just consistent. (I'm still working on the consistent part lol :DOH! )
I REALLY enjoyed reading your account of your time with your Mini.On this forum we all understand the feelings you are having.It is so nice to have a place to come to share our thoughts and not be told or looked at like we are crazy(like sometimes from non-horsey family and friends)We Really do GET IT!!! and it is so much fun.The non-horsey people just don't get what they are missing.
Very nicely put Bevann! As soon as I was done outside I ran straight to my computer so that I could share my experience with you guys
Later I did tell my Dad and Husband and they both said it was nice but I could tell in their expressions that they just didn't get it :DOH! My husband did say "oh that would have been fun to watch!" lol
Congratulations, that really is a big milestone. It took my distrustful Arab a long time to learn to play with me that way but the day he got it I swear I cried happy tears. The mini took a lot less time but it still took awhile before it was truly playing together instead of both of us playing in the same space.

Let the neighbors think what they will- they're witnessing True Love in its purest form!


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