Well-Known Member
Congratulations on another beautiful baby

Shawna, yes I milk the mare using a inverted 60cc syringe, usually get about 15cc or so of milk, then with a small 3cc syringe as the foal is still wobbly and unbalanced but standing usually it will nurse (suck) the milk out of that tiny syringe. I like to give them a boost, as usually during that time, mom is still crampy, baby is unsteady, so I get some milk in them and then a little later they can find the real milk bar.That was Awsome My first one is comming in April I cant wait.Erica just out of curiosity what were you giving the filly was it Milk from mom .
parmela, Not sure on the fillies color yet........but to answer about mom, yes she does have lacing all over her backWhat color is that little sweetie? Silver black? Can't tell if it's the camera or what. Also, is that what is called lacing on the mare's back?
You and Michael are some very sweet and special people, whom I'm lucky to have as good friends..........and Ms. Mary is hiding a #2 buckskin filly that is DROP dead ; )Erica, what a wonderful little filly. You know I love the solid colored ones!!!
This is the first time I've been able to watch because we now have high-speed internet. How glad I was to watch you in action!
What a wonderful thing to observe you working with your horses. You were efficient and very loving at the same time. I saw all the things you did, from letting CC look at her baby when they were still "connected" to when you went and loved on CC and removed her halter.
You are truly a dedicated and loving horsewoman.