For those who have had Professional Photos done

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2004
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I was wondering if someone could tell me what is customary when working with a professional photograper.

When ordering from proofs, do you order the photos first and then they fix them by taking out the leads and fixing backgrounds, lightening and what not? Or do you pick them when they have already been fixed? Are you able to see the picture exactly as it will print before you order it?

Also do you order directly from the photographer? Or do most hire an outside source to print thier pictures?

Just looking for experiences on your shoots and what should be expected.


We've had photographers send us proofs both ways........untouched AND retouched. When sending an untouched one, the photographer made a note of how she would touch it up, or she sent us an example as well.......

When ordering, you order directly from the photographer how-ever many copies of each photo you want, including the size of the photo. The photographer keeps the rights to the photos and is selling you copies and legally you have to always give them credit when showing the photo to the public, ie - advertizing.

Ok now I know there are more of you out there that have had pro pics taken

would like to know if the photographer printed the pics themselves and sent them directly to you or if someone a third party printed them and sent them out.
I have recieved photos both direct and from a third party. You need to ask about rights to post on internet and use in Ads. Touch ups were done after photo was selected. There is an additional cost for this.
In my experience, you order the pics from a big bunch of proofs....the leads, props etc. will be taken out in the finished product you order. I ordered a CD and then opted to go have my photos printed somewhere on my own. Was given unlimited use to the pictures I purchased.....Jodie allows people to use the pics they buy wherever and as many times as they like at no extra cost.

I got to see the photos exactly as they were taken and choose from them.....asked if things could be removed etc. like from the background. I ordered directly from the photographer. Jodie French of Minnesota did my mare. She is great.....look for her under breeders connect.....Lorrane's LIL Ones
When Janie and I hired Dana Gookin to come to the ranch and do our photos last year, we had the proofs done, then went through them and selected the ones that we wanted. Dana did the "touch up" work after we selected the original shots. We had Dana fade out backgrounds, touch up forelocks and took out some leads. Dana emailed the "light proofs" to us as well, so that we could see the difference between the test photos and the ones that she took for the shoot. THAT was interesting, as you could really tell how light affects the photos quality and overall look....
: Dana then did the printing of the photos herself and sent them to us.

Dana is coming again this next year to do the new horses shots, (our perlino Big City Bucks colt, our two new ASPC/AMHR weanlings and some of Sahara..) and I am really excited to see how those turn out.

Good luck with your photo shoot... and can't wait to see the results!

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
My photographer (Jodie French at always gives me my photos at hi-resolution on a CD -- that way I can use them however I want....make copies that are smaller at lower resolution for the web...give them to my graphics designer for print ads, etc. For putting in picture frames, I print them out myself since I have a photo printer and the quality is awesome...or you can take the disk to any place that has a photo printer for disks (like Wal-Mart etc.) but I prefer the quality of the prints on my print over those you get at WalMart. Her copyrite release is pretty simple, too.

She provides printed proofs. If any of the photography "props" are in the picture (things like the light reflector or stuff used to get the horse's attention) she removes those at no cost from the pictures that are purchased.

I know there are some photographers now that will only allow you to buy them on-line and you have to download them to your computer...which is NOT possible for those of us that are limited to dial-up! It would take a VERY long time.

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