Friends mare is due anyday, she may have strangles!

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Feb 13, 2007
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I am not sure, but I think my friends mare has strangles, she just got her a few weeks ago, she is suppose to be due to foal anyday, anyway, my friend thinks she has a cold, but I think it may be strangles, she has the thick snots. I am concerned, her vet has her giving penicillan and I am worried about the foal, will it be born ok if it is strangles. Will the foal get it too? :no:
Did the vet feel the mare had strangles??? Thick snots do not always mean strangles, there are many other signs.
I do know she had a fever yesterday, has a cough and is breathing raspy. Also she had made a bag and now it has went away. I am very concerned of what will happen when she foals. I really think it is strangles...I know the mare should be ok, but I have never heard of one so close to foaling getting strangles and tried to look up info online but can't find anything. I think her vet just told her what to give over the phone, she thinks it is a cold, I am not sure. Just trying to get more info to tell her.
Not a vet here but, if this mare was recently purchased from a sale or was shipped with a group of horses, she could have shipping fever, also does sort of sound like pneumonia... I would be concerned that her bag has disapeared but that sometimes happens when a mare dehydrates from a fever. Lots of "bugs" can be picked up in a sale barn....also in an closed trailer full of horses.

I would definitely have the Vet make a farm call. When a mare is preggars, it doesn't pay to take chances and do guess work. JMO and I'm no Vet either.
No Vet here but raspy breathing to me sounds more like Pneumonia than strangles.
This is my dilemma, she is not my mare so I can only make suggestions, maybe she is being treated right, with the penicillan, but if I am right and it is strangles, what is the outcome for the foal? I am worried. The fact that she had a bag when she got her and lost it makes me wonder if the foal is ok. Has anyone dealt with a mare having strangles this close to foaling? I know my friend had a few horses with strangles over the winter and maybe it is from shipping fever, or pnuemonia, but I can't help but worry for her. Maybe I should just mind my own business.
We had strangles in our herd several years ago. It hit just after the first foal of the year was born--his mom was sick, and at less than two weeks of age he came down sick as well. That foal did get treated with a high powered antibiotic; the first horse that came down sick did get some antibiotics, but once we realized that it was strangles we did not treat anyone else other than that first foal. Another pregnant mare came down sick--her symptoms were typical of pneumonia, much like the mare you describe--heavy breathing, snotty nose--this was in late April. The bug ran its course, the mare recovered without drugs, and she foaled a filly on May 31st. (The filly came early, but that is normal for this particular mare). The filly was born healthy, and stayed healthy.

I'd point out to all that strangles does not always produce abcesses--sometimes every horse on the place gets abcesses, sometimes a few will have abcesses and the majority will not have abcesses; symptoms can look like other respiratory infections--pneumonia, rhino, flu--and milder cases will exhibit only a fever, mattery eyes, and/or depression.

Likewise, snotty nose and pneumonia symptoms do not necessarily mean pneumonia. Here we do not treat strangles with antibiotics. If it is pneumonia, though, you better believe it gets treated! It does pay to know what you are dealing with.
Minimor, I so agree, and that is what scares me about the many come here and ask, when it is so much easier and safer to call a vet, maybe it is just me who knows.............

And I realize not your mare, but you can make suggestions and maybe make it to have the vet out to the house.

How far along is the mare in gestation?? Losing a bag happens, I have a mare that has a bag sometimes, sometimes not and she is at 320 days.
I agree that a vet should be called out.

However, if it is strangles and penicillin has been started the course needs to be continued as when it is ended prematurely that is when you are going to have complications. If it is pneumonia then the penicillin is an appropriate treatment as well. However if the mare does not respond to this treatment within a couple days then common sense tells us that the mare needs to be seen other than over the phone.

I have had many mare get a bag and then all of a sudden it is gone. One night you are sure you are going to have a foal and in the morning after taking the toothpicks out of your eyelids you go check and there is no bag, no cramping or uncomfortable mare and she looks at you like "what are you looking at?"

If your friend has been in contact with a vet and told them everything then you may just have to accept that.

Hope all goes well for the mare and your friend

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