Frustrating fact...

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Adam is right. I checked, too. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if Higgs isn't posting on this thread under two different names. I will never be confused for a shrinking violet and I do not understand the desire to hide behind a screen name , and especially not to create a second. Popular or not, I am not ashamed or too shy to own any opinions I'm willing to share.
I have stayed out of this post because I generally, not always, reserve my posts on here to be at least somewhat horse related. Even on the back porch. But this topic has been very interesting to follow and has lots of interesting points being made. As to the original point of the thread I am personally amazed that in 2012 we still are debating this. In my mind, yes, it's somewhat small in there, I do not understand how one human being would want to deny another a right such as marriage (under the "law") and all that goes with that. Gay citizens pay taxes just like me. They work, go to school, etc., just like me. I have other "agenda" items that are important to me, but I also carefully follow this one. And will continue to do so.

Just curious about something... For those that do not think gay marriage should be legal, do you think gay citizens should also be denied welfare or medicaid or disability where eligible?

Adam, as for the situation with your cousin, I am so sorry to hear of that. It truly breaks my heart. I too am trying to find a way to bring a child into our family and I am learning just how difficult that is...unless you have $30-40k to spend on it. The adoptable childen in the state system are even difficult to qualify for due to my age and being single.
Really? When did 45 become "old" and just because I'm "only" engaged that isn't good enough. There are mother's and father's murdering their babies, there are children being abandoned and abused. But someone like Adam or me can't find a way to love a child? This world has really lost its collective mind.
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I totally agree with you Parmela.

My cousin finally adopted a child last August. After 2 years of trying to adopt. They were scrutinized and their entire lives (including the lives of ALL of the family) put under the microscope. It cost them a small fortune. And they are great parents.

At the same time there are many children in our local school system who are abused, neglected, and still left with their parents. And Im talking serious abuse. Molestation, not feeding them, sending them to school without shoes or a coat in 20 degree weather. And not just because they don't have money to buy these items. We (school employees) have given these children coats and shoes only to find out that the parents sold those items to get money for who knows what. Its reported to the authorities and the children are removed, but put right back. It's heartbreaking to say the least. Even more so when there are good people in this world who would LOVE to give a home to these children.
This would be incorrect - of the total (18) posts you have posted until exactly 3 minutes ago, seventeen are in the topic of Frustrating fact - this topic. The ONE other post you made on this site under your current name is in the topic of Horses (also on the Back Porch) which YOU started on December 20, 2011. You joined this forum, under this username on December 15, 2011. You did NOT post on another thread before this. Please do not insult me or the others on this site by blatantly lying to us.
While I'm a little shocked that you went so far out of your way...sorry but your wrong so please don't accuse me of lying. I joined on the 15th. Posted my first post on a thread I started on the 20th and didn't post on this one until the 28th. "You did NOT post on another thread before this". Sorry but yes I did. I posted the "horses" thread on the 20th. Not that it matters.

The only part I was referring to you Higgs was, "strong words are reserved for people strong enough to handle the opinion readers might form about them." The words that come to mind are,

"We are a predominately Christian Nation and as Christians then we must obey and respect Gods word."

"God says homosexuality is an abomination. God is never wrong. Therefore all Christians must feel this way"

But when people want you to defend that position you tell them not to presume you are a Christian? You won't actually say if these are your feelings, but inferred them as strongly as possible. Later on you begin SEEMING like you have a problem with Right Wing Zealots, but in all actuality you never say that any more definitively than when you seemed like you were a Christian. In the end, allot of strong controversial contradicting statements with no actual commitment to either.

I said I was not a Christian. I'm not sure what part of "do not presume I am a Christian" that's hard to understand. The above statement was absolute sarcasm at it's best! Right wing Christian Fundamentalists barely ever "obey and respect Gods word". They 100% pick and choose what parts they want to stand up against and in the case of the gay movement - obviously they are the flavor of the day.

God's never wrong.

Of course he isn't. The world is 7000 years old. Adam and Eve actually existed. A great flood flooded the earth to 20+ feet above Mt Everest. The world is flat, unicorns are real, Slavery is fine. Murder is fine. Rape is fine. Killing for the most pathetic reasons is fine. Homophobia is fine. Hatred of women is fine. Killing babies is fine. Do right wing christians work on Sundays? You bet your booty they do. DO RWFC's forbid women from speaking in church? You bet they don't. Again I could go on and on. Not even the most zealot RWFC's obeys gods words (thank goodness lol) yet look at how aggressively they fight to take away the (gay) rights of others.

No, I am NOT a Christian. Yes I'm in favor of any gay couple who want to commit to each other being able to marry. I find it disgusting that the bible, god is love, toting RWFC's preach love and tolerance from the pulpit but not in real life. Like my opening post so sarcastically put it "it's gods word so all christians must feel that way". How naive of me.

Then you add the ironic name, Higgs Boson. A not yet proven atomic particle, that while based in science, is controversially named "the God Particle". Independent of this forum, your very Name represents a never ending circle of irony. Lastly, your quote at the bottom, taking the whole "who came first, the chicken or the egg?" to a whole new level of complexity, importance and irony.
The god particle. That one missing particle (perhaps not anymore) that started the whole big bang, got the universe rolling and spinning to where we have evolved to today.

Well that's easy. The Egg came first. Dinosaurs evolved millions of years before Chickens and Dinosaurs laid eggs!

Adam is right. I checked, too. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if Higgs isn't posting on this thread under two different names.
Quite amazing the lengths people go to
. As I said to Adam, and now to you, you're both wrong. I did post on a thread before this one.

And this is quite amusing. Who, pray tell, is my alter ego on this thread. I'm sure they would love to know and I know I would love to? *trying not to snort soda bubbles from my nose*

Is this message board usually this paranoid?
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Higgs...I do not know who you REALLY are...nor do I care. I do think you hide behind some other name...and I probably don't like that person either...but no matter. So, you wrote one other post before this one. WHY did you join this forum in the 1st place? Your thread you started was a link to some video apparently...I did NOT click on it (in fact did not even notice it til this whole thing started here) and do not plan on doing so...who knows what kind of virus it may be. I don't know you. So, again, why have you joined this forum? Do you own Miniature Horses? MOST new people join and introduce themselves. All you have done is cause chaos and posted a link. HMMM....

I don't care if you respond to this...because any and all posts from you will be blocked by me, so I won't see them anyway. I think you are a POSER.
Explaining it all as sarcasm would have made perfect sense if you had done it when everyone else questioned you about it over 10 pages ago. Not one member posted thinking it was sarcasm and many questioned you over and over about those view points, they all thought you were serious. You ignored everyone, until someone called you a Christian, and you said, "Don’t presume that". You made the conscience decision to NEVER clarify or defend yourself, just let everyone get ticked off and then act offended by them presuming what you said was what you felt. It would have been a simple fix, to just reply and say, I was being sarcastic. But you never did.

I think you, Adam and Jill are all agreeing. I believe what Adam is saying is you never posted on ANYONE ELSES topic, before this one, just started your own, which he is saying isn’t the same thing.

I would not call it paranoid, it's just that everyone here knows one another, so it is odd when a new person comes and seems very focused on being confrontational.
Additionally, Tag, I'd frankly be very surprised if you read and listen to more sources of news each and every day than I do.
Well then, be surprised.

I follow a wide range of sources - as I have said many times. Why the little dig and sneer? It was not necessary. You have always sneered at me whenever we discussed media and then insisted you used more sources than anyone else ever could - all while pledging your stalwart allegiance to Fox and suggesting that NPR and PBS were liars and you would never watch or listen to them. Which was why I smiled at you a bit about that in my post. I use sources on both "sides". Always have.

And yes, I also understand nothing I say is of consequence seeing as I work hard, pay my taxes, do hours of volunteer work etc. etc. and yet am here on a work visa. LEGALLY. As in, a legal resident. Just thought I would head you off before you started on that tired topic again...

Please everyone - let's not get back on the Not Posting Under Your Real Name nonsense again - and how that makes your opinion unimportant or something to be dismissed. We have danced that dance a hundred times... and some of us have explained WHY we cannot and will not use our real names or provide links to the farms we work on or own.

You do realize that on most forums, the majority of posters use a screen name and stay anonymous - and only share their personal info with friends etc.

Nutty LB posters HERE made sure that I dropped quietly back into the somewhat anonymous zone and removed all links etc. - although I have never been super-secretive about anything and everyone in this area knows who I am. Plus I have loudly cheered on our horses at Congress and Nationals. But if anyone thinks I am going to make it easy to enable another couple of crazy people to contact the farm and whine about my opinion on something - it is not going to happen. Sorry.

Although the nutty people in question no longer post here, you never know...
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Please everyone - let's not get back on the Not Posting Under Your Real Name nonsense again - and how that makes your opinion unimportant or something to be dismissed. We have danced that dance a hundred times... and some of us have explained WHY we cannot and will not use our real names or provide links to the farms we work on or own.

You do realize that on most forums, the majority of posters use a screen name and stay anonymous - and only share their personal info with friends etc.

Nutty LB posters HERE made sure that I dropped quietly back into the somewhat anonymous zone and removed all links etc. - although I have never been super-secretive about anything and everyone in this area knows who I am. Plus I have loudly cheered on our horses at Congress and Nationals. But if anyone thinks I am going to make it easy to enable another couple of crazy people to contact the farm and whine about my opinion on something - it is not going to happen. Sorry.

Although the nutty people in question no longer post here, you never know...
Back to the "off topic topic" again...

While many people do not use real names on forums for just as many reasons, most people do tend to get to know others on the forums because they have the same Miniature Horses!
So, there will be others who do know who that member is. I am not saying you should always use your real name. What I am saying is that if you join a forum at least "introduce" yourself as someone interested in the MAIN topic of the Miniature Horses!

It is not fair to have a 2nd name to use for topics you do not want to be identified with. Either post under your real forum name or not at all.
Wow, I really wasn't thinking it was a current member. I honestly thought we just had a troll on our hands that gets bored and google's hot topics or something and ended up here. Hmm. Not sure yet how I feel about this alternative.
If indeed this is the case, a current member who was speculated, then it is interesting to do a member search and see that there are several variations of their original username. Clearly, this is not the first time that an alternate name would have been used.

If this is true, then please realize that I DO value everyones' opinions despite the fact that they may not be the same as mine. You are entitled to an opinion.

I am posting an interesting look that was published by the Human Rights Campaign that evaluates candidates in this election and their pro-gay marriage positions.
Jill, if you're right, that's just creepy.
Pretty sure I'm right. The geographic location of that IP fits, and if you compare prior miniwhinny posts to Higgs Boson posts, they are pretty much interchangeable (and I mean based on YEARS of reading miniwhinny's posts). Same "voice".
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If indeed this is the case, a current member who was speculated, then it is interesting to do a member search and see that there are several variations of their original username. Clearly, this is not the first time that an alternate name would have been used.

If this is true, then please realize that I DO value everyones' opinions despite the fact that they may not be the same as mine. You are entitled to an opinion.

I am posting an interesting look that was published by the Human Rights Campaign that evaluates candidates in this election and their pro-gay marriage positions.
THANKFULLY, Michele Bachmann has dropped out!!!

Thanks for the link Adam!
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