Fun Picture I Wanted To Share

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
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Here is a picture from our August fair, which I found and I really wanted to share it with you all.

Its is a picture of my 29 1/2" gelding Cinnabar, with a HUGE (who knows how tall!) Percheron named Itchy.


Does anyone else have a picture of their Mini with a draft horse? These types of pictures showing the size of a Mini really are some of my favorites!
I agree.........I LOVE to see photos like this! It's so fun, and I much prefer photos of horses acting naturally. That's when I think they are at their best.
AWE! so cute! minis with huge draft horses are some fo my favorite pics!

: cinnabar is absolutely adorable, and wow that big horse sure has some pretty dapples

here is my Ghost, meeting "Kilty" a shire. ghost is 35" and kilty is... i think 17 hands or so.



i love these.
SOMEWHERE I have a pic of Midnight with a draft, but since it's not on my photobucket account, who knows...

Since some people consider Friesians a light draft, I'll share a pic of my yearling fries Radiance and 3 of my minis (Chili Pepper the chestnut, Cocoa the dun, and Tracker the pinto). THis pic was from last winter, so Radi wasn't even a year yet... and the minis aren't super fuzzy, and Radi is still wearing the halter she came with, so it was probably late fall.


On second thought, that doesnt' really show a "draft" very well, so here's another, fairly recent pic of Radi with my 37.5" gelding Cruiser:


My 16 hand Spotted Draft horse Montague, with my 30 inch miniature horse Tonka.


All five of my horses almost in order of size. From the left; Connor- 16 hand WB, Monty- 16 hand SD, Domino- 15 hand Paint, Tonka-31 inch mini, and Riley-37 inch mini.
Although he's not a draft horse, my 16.3 thoroughbred, Festins Pharoh, towers over my 35 1/2" mini, Sundance Kid. I own the largest horse and the smallest horse in a barn full of Arabs, QHs, and a POA.

There's a wonderful picture of DW Farms Sirroco's Interlude meeting a draft horse at the Aurora Fair this year. It was on the AMHR home page during their advertising for Nationals.

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Well I hope you don't mind that we're hi-jacking your thread and turning it into our favorite big horse and mini pic! :bgrin Your pic is really cute.......but I love this one with my old horse Joe(with a novice "visitor" riding him) and my little dwarf mini Buddy! Buddy just doesn't realize he's not a big horse!

Here is my black pintaloosa colt Pepper meeting a big one! I don't own Pepper any more.


I love these photos!

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