Fungus Photo-what is it?

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Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Southwest Oklahoma
Forum members sent some interesting links when I asked about ringworm. I am thinking now it is rain rot, since the skin is not pink. I am still treating it with the iodine shampoo and antifungal cream every day. I will take him to the vet tomorrow to make sure it isn't anything contagious, as he is due at the children's petting exhibit on Friday.

Tried to get a close up picture. The black dots are hair tufts. Thanks to all who gave advice.

Hard to tell anything by that photo. When my horses have problems with rain rot it's usually down the center of the back where moisture and dirt can accumulate. Last year was so wet I was constantly checking for it. Your vet will give you a better idea. Good luck!
it doesnt look like rain rot or ring worm to me. I think its just a rub spot. I would put some shapelys mane and tail on it
I would call it a rub spot too, it's doesn't appear typical of either ringworm or rain rot to me.
Preparation H cream is supposed to help hair grow fast also ( so I've been told ).
No matter WHAT it is I would suggest trying Shapley's MTG. That stuff really does work! My pony has mysterious rub/fungus spots on her neck and is already improving after three days of application.

A bit off topic - would the Shapleys MTG help with repairing damage caused by lice??

I recently bought a silver buckskin mare, unfortunately she bought some friends with her :eek: :new_shocked:

I clipped and washed her and killed off the little beasts, but the regrowth on the damaged patches is coming back a different colour to her coat!

Don't think we can buy Shapleys here, but I can always import some :bgrin
I didn't get to take him to the vet today as we've had quite a lot of rain and my trailer is a little hard to get to when the ground is soggy. Since I've been using the iodine shampoo and fungus cream it isn't any worse. I've used a toothbrush to scrub the loose flakey stuff off. It is on his shoulder.

I will definitely get some Shapley's--sounds like a great product all around!

I usually have some coconut oil, but am out right now. (Nearest health food store is 60 miles away)

Thanks for all the advice.

I've been looking at microfiche today of 1905 newspapers for a local project. You wouldn't believe all the ads in those papers for skin problems--people and animals! I guess it isn't anything new. Thank goodness there seem to be better ways of dealing with it nowdays than 1905's Dr Quacko's Miracle Elixer.


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