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Can anyone tell me WHAT COLOR Flying W Farms Little Blue Boy was before he turned white or gray?
You are right Leslie....Gray & Silver Dapple are two completely different "colors". Altho "gray" is technically not a is a "modifier" that causes base colors to fade out. Altho, people use "Gray" to describe horses that carry the gray gene, so as to properly identify them as a horse who will gradually fade to white.I don't mean to hyjack this thread but something caught my attention.
"It has recently been pointed out to me that SILVER DAPPLE is not GRAY. They are two different colors. A gray horse turns white after a while and a silver dapple can be a silver dapple all it's life."
I started a thread a few days ago about my guys color and seeing this got me wondering. He is gray with dapples and someone said his color is gray. What do you call a gray horse that has dapples but isn't a silver dapple or maybe there is no such thing???
Yes...if he was black as a foal, he would technically be a black horse who also carried the gray gene & "grayed out". But he would be considered a "gray" on his registration papers as an adult. Since I had never seen his foal pictures, and the yearling photos I saw of him looked so much like a Silver Dapple.....I assumed that's what he was originally, and then went white from the gray gene. But now that I think about it....horses that carry both Silver & Gray genes are considered "Silver Whites" and usually go completely white very rapidly, or are born almost white. So, if he had originally been a Silver Dapple & also had the gray gene...he would have been white by the time he was a yearling.Thank you Lyn; that is very interesting information. And if he was black as a foal and looked dapple gray as a yearling, isn't it likely that he was really black? If he had been silver dapple, wouldn't he have been more gray as a yearling instead of looking "dapple gray"? Dapple gray as a yearling sounds like what I would expect from the normal graying process for a black horse. (See what I am learning on this forum!).