Not sure what Round up Ready is, but I would think it is a plant that has been altered to accept the use of round up. So then we are feeding more pesticides to our animals...
Monsanto owns is an herbacide. SO what they do is they take a bacteria and they spray it with Roundup. If it dies oh well. The ones that live are what they are looking for. So now they take these small organisims that are genetically resistant to Roundup and they splice the DNA of the resistant organism into the CORN, SOY, SUGARBEETS, ALFALFA (as of 2012), Canola (I wouldn't eat this junk non-GMO), Cotton (not sure if I am worried about this one as much as I don't eat or feed cotton to anything), SORGHUM, and WHEAT. Then you can spray for weeds (anything growing in a crop that you don't want) and it will not kill the "Roundup ready" crop. Sounds good in therory except plants are dynamic...wind blows seeds, birds move seeds and seeds of similar types my hybrids! This causes "super weeds" which cannot be killed by Roundup! Not to mention if your neighbor is raising Roundup ready something else in his fields, you can get rid of it. If you read Monsanto's website they basically tell you that they do NOT need to test it for safety as it is JUST DNA! How do they get away with that? Old rules for one...if it looks like corn, smells like corn and no one can tell it is different, it isn't so you don't have to test it. There is a very recent study out of China which shows that this is not true! There needs to be testing AND labeling so consumers can decide. As long as Monsanto has its hold on the FDA and USDA with its previous lawyers and other higher up people now in the FDA and USDA, it seems to be a lost cause. All we can do is educate and use our dollars to show these big companies what we want. I have also been bugging Purina and other feed companies, asking for GMO free feed. ESPECIALLY for my animals that I consume (chickens for eggs, cows and goats for their milk)
Some links for your viewing...
(part one of 5) How Monsanto wants to patent naturally occuring pig DNAThe Corporation~ (29 parts I think; on Youtube) Shows what happened when a couple of reporters from Fox News tried to do an episode on hormones in the milk cows.
Within these videos you get more of an idea of how Monsanto works...for example if you buy their corn, you grow it and harvest it, you must DESTROY any seeds from the have to buy new from Monsanto next year!? IF you are NOT using their corn, Monsanto can and does check your corn for their corn's DNA. If they find any of their DNA (which is inevitable if your are nearby...think of animals, wind, cross pollenation, vehicles used to transport/store the grains from one farm then used on another) then they give you some choices. Pay for it...they patented it so it is theirs and you have it so you are stealing goes the logic. Fight a HUGE corporation in court (you don't have that kind of money) Or sell everything and quit farming.
They think they can contain it...they are mistaken!
You can google this story but here is the gist of it. Bayer got permission to grow some of their GM rice. They planted it, it grew and then for some reason (I can only assume it had something to do with Monsanto being able to influence the FDA and USDA from within) they were told to destroy it. Now the farmers raising this rice went above and beyond when they were planting 10 times the buffer required and then burning it. 20% of the long grain rice in the stores right now is from this one trial...the seeds got away. It hurt the market for the rice because the overseas markets do NOT want GM foods, so the rice farmers sued and WON!
Ok it is time to get down from my soapbox...