Geese, how are you today?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
Reaction score
Mount Sterling, Ohio
I've thought about you so much since last week and wondered how you are. I was also thinking of you the other day when I was watching some Canada geese, and wondering how you came up with your forum name. One of the many things I like about those birds is that they mate for life......

Be in touch when you can, and don't forget there are many, many people praying for you.
Thanks for caring. At present I am under my doctors and Demimore`s care to help me with this depression. It seems like every place I turn the past 42 years of my life are stuck in front of me. I open the cupboard door and there is the last can of tuna she bought, the towels she stacked in the linen closet (of course she took all the guest towels and fancy ones). The walls in the house devoid of the art work and pictures of our children and grandchildren (funny she took none of the photo albums of holidays kids growing up and vacations we went on as a family). This is the house we built as a retirement home and it has her touch on everything from the colors of the walls and window treatments to the smell of her clothes closet. Its hard to believe that the rest of my life will be faced alone. The old saying is very true. You cannot be alone in a room full of people but you can be lonely. My outlook for the future is rather bleak, How will I ever be able to trust another person again after the breech of trust I am experiencing.

To answer your question regarding the name. Our Farm name has always been Justabout. One of the few passions I had outside of my wife and children was collecting antique goose decoys. The two somehow ended up together. Speaking of goose decoys my wife never really cared for them. But the day I told her to pick two of them which I then sold to pay for her to have laser eye surgery. It was than that she recognized that they did have some value. Probably also the reason five of my favorites seemed to have left with her.

Thanks for caring enough to ask and I promise as time goes on to try and be more active on the forum. Regards Geese
I know it seems so bleak and dark right now but there is light on the other side and you will make it thru and you will find yourself joyful for a few min at a time or laughing at something a bit more often it will get better honest.

hang in there and stay strong
As Lisa said, hang in there and stay strong. Things always seem to have a way of working out for the best even though there are times when it doesn't seem like it.
I promise, there is light and you will trust again ... I know that may not seem true today for you.

Please do your best NOT to look at the big picture right now - it's just too big. Take it one day at a time, one hour at a time. Break your day down into baby steps. Make a list of the good things that happened today, no matter how small they may be. I did that during my divorce - any good you can find, write it down for the day. You got out of bed. You got dressed. You made a good cup of coffee. Your horse made you chuckle. Anything positive.

It takes a long time to heal, just know that there are people who care...

Liz R.
Hang in there Geese!! Things do get better and even if we don't want to, we heal in the long run. You are a very kind person with a loving heart and you are a treasure to all who know you.

You will get through this and be happy again, I promise.. Have I ever lied to you??

Vic, Keep your chin up. Don't let anyone get the best of you. I too have had you in my thoughts and prayers many times since your initial post. I pray that all things work out and you can keep that depression at bay. I am so glad you have had friends to share the pain with and help you through.
Like so many others here I think of you often. I can only imagine the pain that you are feeling right now. If your pain could be removed by thoughts, good wishes and prayers it would already be gone. It is so hard for all of us here to know that you are suffering and we can't fix this for you. Please know that you are surrounded by the love of your forum friends.

Dear Vic, haven't you figured out yet that I would never (and many here also) let you be alone.
Thats right Vic, Dimi has called us all up and we are all packing up from all over the world and coming to your house for Christmas!

Because we love you and care about you!!

you do have egg nog right?? .........

Like the Who's in Whoville said.........We're here!! We're here!!! We're here!!!!
Sometimes I really envy you and everyone with your words. I am horrible at writing, I am never able to put down exactly what I am trying to get across. Your wit and way with words is very much missed, please do post more often again. I love your sense of humor, and enjoy reading your posts. I hope you are able to find some kind of inner peace within yourself, it will not happen overnight. Hang in there. <<hug>>
This has got to be a lonely time for you Vic. Hope you know your not alone, as you have people on this forum who really care about you. Glad you have seen a doctor too.

I'm praying for white light to surround you and bring you comfort.
It's darkest before the dawn

sometimes they say

but you are not alone

no how, no way

You think you've been abandoned

but you're so very wrong

The road you're on, seems so bad right now

but it's not that very long

You have hundreds here that care for you

and will keep you company too

just because we can't sit on your couch

doesn't mean we aren't here for you

We're the people behind this old screen

we're alive and breathing here

we feel your pain and sympathize

so let us bring you some cheer

You have to accept what has happened to you

and do with it what you will

but don't let it get the best of you anymore

because you have an army of support here still

None of us are leaving you

We'll do whatever it takes

to get our silly Gooseman back

if we have to throw you in a goosey lake

So Mr. Gooseman get dressed and go drive a horse

or get that haircut please

and go outside and breath some fresh air

and maybe you'll even see some geese

Start looking forward to tomorrow

because it will come for you

the sun will shine again I promise

and you'll even smile again too

Give yourself a chance

to see that there is a bright day ahead

and go to sleep counting your friends instead of sheep

while you lay in bed

and then you'll see you have so much living to do

and then you'll realize

that you are loved by so many all over the world

and you'll get that sparkle back in your eyes
Marty, Bless your heart...that made me in tears..

Vic, Being I am only 14 I should not say anything, but I do hope you can get over this, and I am truly sorry

Like someone else said... God wouldnt have put you through this if you knew you couldnt get through this.....I wish you the best luck ever, and in time you will start to be your normal self again:)

God bless you!

Gage that was beautifully put, well done, very thoughtful and from the heart.

Vic, you already trust again, so you do not have that bridge to cross.

You trust Debs who is helping you.

You trust us enough to tell us things you might well never say to anyone else.

You have crossed the bridge without noticing, now you have to decide where you want to go.

Believe it or not, there is a "rest of your life" waiting out there.


Wow Geese I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. I just don't know what to say except I hope each day brings you closer to peace over the whole matter. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers this holiday season.
Shirley- hey, I was just thinking I must PM you and see where you had got to- I've missed you!!

See Vic, come on now, you have LOADS of friends!!

I am very sorry to hear of your troubles and pain. You were a solid, sensible sounding board and very considerate when I had a rough patch myself.

Your kindness has brought you many friends and admirers.

May God hold you close to His heart at this, your time of need.

Hi Vic,

I haven't posted directly to you before. I don't post as often as some. I'm sorry for what you are going through. Times can seem very dark and it will take time! I have been through some tough times myself just different than this. Take it slow, one day or minute (if that is all you can do) at a time, and lean very heavily on your friends-that's what they are there for!!

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