Well-Known Member
1) TOTALLY agree. With the economy as tough as it is both registries, really, should take a good look at fees and such. I found this year I only went to two AMHR shows and NO AMHA shows as I just couldn't afford it. Of course, the surprise medical bills helped with that.Ok, I've been showing horses since 1987, and minis since 1999. This is just my opinion and you can take it or leave it.
1. AMHA I believe they cater to the trainers, yes they bring in a lot of horses, but in this day and time with the economy being the way it is, not everyone can afford a trainer. They need to expand the AOTE program into more height divisions like they do with open. Reason: To encourage new exhibitors, and give more true ametuers a chance to suceed and want to continue showing. Fees are so high it is discouraging for a new person to pay and not even place. Nothing against trainers, I've used them, but in this econony it would help the ametuer trainers to continue.
2. Both registries need to cater to the new people, either offer a class for beginners or novice in lets say their first three years of showing, and include performance. In my opinion we need new people.
3.AMHR needs to start a AOTE division, I used to love to show AMHR as we could place but now the trainers are taking over in our area and it is great feeling when you beat a trainer, but we've been showing for years. It discourages the new people.
4. More breeding classes offered at the local shows. Seems they only offer limited classes for breeders, such as own bred and shown by, or produce of Dam, etc. at the area shows, not everyone can attend at that time.
5. This one I'm not even sure of until we get a standard, and now we are just a height registry, but someone to inspect stallions and certify if they are correct, such as not toeing out in front, etc. at least make sure they are conformationaly correct before breeding quality can be submitted.
I personally love geldings and as I've said before a good stallion makes a great gelding.
If you want to flame me OK, I've got my suit on, but on the other hand I would love to hear your thoughts on what I posted, just please be kind. Oh! I am loving this debate.
2) Maybe have a Novice Halter, any age or sex, and Novice Driving. I know the Fort Worth Stock Show has a novice halter class and it's pretty full. Only two classes to add. Or how about a Mentor class where a novice who wants to try to show can sign up and an experienced exhibitor "volunteers" to help the novice during the class. Volunteer can't touch the horse but give side-by-side help right out in the ring, which can be super intimidating to newbies. It would be so comforting to have someone right there with you showing you the ropes.
3) I would be doing handstands in the aisles if AMHR introduced an AOTE division. (Probably not a pretty sight, though....

4) Our local Area show had those and there was never anyone in them.
5) This could be a problem as many of our Mini people are not local to any place to get this done, and the BYBs don't care and wouldn't go anyway. Yes, it's something that should be done but probably will never be feasible. Plus, see #1 above- i.e., more $$$ out of pocket.
Geldings rule!