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So here was Gem today sorry lol had to flash the flash light before i go to school cause it was still dark :p and she kept moving






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grr been waiting for ever!! She better have that baby soon or else im gonna flip!! Lol only been waiting since last september :p
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Renee, I'm learning - that's what I was going to say - baby has to move forward so you've got some time.
That's my 24" boy. Good things do come in small packages and thank you Renee.
Oh she is looking VERY good!! Definitely some progress going on -- and baby is coming along nicely! LOVE that lopsided tummy!!
i had to put her with my big horse over night cause she was over heating and sweating in her stall... dont know if thats the heat or sings shes getting close :p
She does look close...her nipples may separate a little and she may need a little more filling in her bag but again...they are all different so what do I know!! you did a nice job on her braids...shes so pretty!

Oopps...sorry didn't see your question...shiny udder? could be she was just a little hot and sweaty and perhaps that was what you were seeing or maybe you just keep a very clean little girl..I'll let the pros comment but I don't think its anything to worry about.
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Thanks, she is a pretty girl and im looking forward to seeing what her little baby looks like hopefully she wont keep us waiting longer
She's progressing nicely and I dont think you will have much longer to wait for this new baby. If she appears to be getting hot or sweating (not foaling) then you would be better to sponge her off with some cooled water (not cold or hot) rather than put her somewhere with your big horse.

You need to keep her separated from your big horse from now on (day or night) or from any other horses now that she is getting so close to having this baby as it is not safe for the new baby to be born where others might get close/interfere during or immediately after the birth, plus it would be very stressful for Gem at a time when she needs to feel safe and relaxed.
How exciting!! What 'last minute' signs have you seen? Have you read some of the pinned threads at the top of this forum - they will give you all sorts of good info as to what you need in your foaling kit and what signs to look out for in a straightforward foaling or in one that might need vet help. Try to have a second person with you as you watch for Gem to go into labour, it's so useful to have someone else there,if only for moral support, but they can also help or make vet phone calls if necessary while you take care of Gem.

If she will let you, gently look just inside her vulva - the normal colour of salmon pink will usually change to a deep red within hours of foaling in the majority of mares - a great last minute sign to watch for!

So maybe we will be reading a foaling announcement in the morning? Good luck!

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