Gestation period in dogs

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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Mount Sterling, Ohio
I know the gestation period is 63 days, but when do you start counting? Is it like with our mares, counting from the last day of cover?

We bred both our JRTs (mother and daughter) starting 8 weeks ago today. Very conveniently, and not surprisingly, they were in heat at the same time and we took them to the same stud, each on alternating days. So that would make the mother due on Christmas Day, and the daughter on Boxing Day, if I count from the last breeding dates.

The mother is absolutely HUGE in the belly, just like she was the last time and is obviously feeling very uncomfortable. Her behaviour is quite different tonight, too, mostly that she's extremely quiet and not begging for her tummy to be rubbed constantly, and her attempting to get into two places that look like they'd be great nests for her.

We're planning to set up the whelping boxes this weekend anyway, but I'm a little nervous for her. How early can a bitch whelp and the pups be okay? Of course I fully realize she might just be at the point that some women get to in their last month of being totally uncomfortable and fed up with being pregnant, and that she'll go full term.

Her daughter, a first timer and nearly three years old, is progressing perfectly normally and, thankfully, isn't nearly as big in her belly as her mother. She is from a litter of seven, her mother's first.

So who wants to come to my house in about the third week in January when all the pups are running around?!
"Oh what fun it is to have 14 JRTs!"
[SIZE=14pt]I have had mine go from 57 days to 67 days without problems. I count from the FIRST day of cover. One of my Corgis waited till I got back from a show and delivered within an hour of me getting home..... at 68 days.[/SIZE]

First day of cover count 63 days and start watching at about 60 unless signs are presented sooner. I don't breed dogs but man I always get roped into deliveing friends puppies
dogs tend to give good signs ...the attitude will be different they will nest and pant and basically be a royal pain in the behind....the delivery will usually begin with the first pup if all is well there is a small amount of visible straining and contractions a pup will be isn't un common for the bitch to take a bit of time between pups...the last delivery I did was a total of 7 puppies over the course of 3 hours and that was pretty fast she took few breaks between pups.......good luck
I can't come to your house ...but a video would be Sweeettttt!!!
Good luck with all your new babies....I hope it all goes off without a hitch!
I have always had mine go between 61 and 63.

Do it from first day of cover.

You can check their temp, it drops normally 24 hours before they deliver.

Let me see pics of your Jacks, please?

I love JRT's and have 4 of them, I wouldn't be without them!
First off, NEVER breed more than once with a small dog- there is no need it only takes once....etc etc.

OK you've done, next time just do it once, OK??

63 days from the last cover will make the first set of pups two days late.

63 days from the first cover will make the last set of pups two days early.

So just hope you have only had the ******* conceive from one of the covers.

This is why I only cover once

If they have not delivered by 63 days from the last cover I would have them in the Vets fast- JRT's should deliver OK but I have had a puppy stuck so fast NOTHING was happening and Yes, Of Course, it was the one trying to come first!! That was a C- section.

Then I have had JRT's just push them out one after the other, no problems at all.

Walking them up and down the stairs in between contractions helps to keep the spasms on the boil and keeps their mind on the job.

It's great having ******* (or Cats) whelp together as they will help one another out with the pups, make sure you introduce each bitch to the other puppies- they are so closely related they will bond anyway, but a formal introduction works wonders- if I have tie I do it as they are born, and still wet, as instinct is very high at that time.

If it is important to know which pup belongs to which bitch mark them with marker pens, as they will get mixed up pretty fast!!
Normally 63 days depending on the breed. Dogs are really nice though and if you watch they give you warning. By taking their rectal temp near the end of gestation the temp will drop 24 hours before welping starts.
58 to 63 days and I count from the first breeding. Bred toy poodles and shelties for 15 years bred collies for 6-7 years before that. Never had but 1 bitch go over 63. Never delivered Jacks though. have done many other breeds from Danes to chihuahuas. Pekes and pugs were the hardest. Maltese also. Shelties the eaisest.
Thanks for all the input, folks! Jane, I never knew that about only needing one cover and, apparently, neither did the owners of the male! Though I must say, they were very considerate of both dogs, and held them in their arms until they unlocked in order to avoid either of them getting hurt.
I only ever did a double covering once, the dog did tie the first time but not to out satisfaction, so I took her back two days later- I lost the whole litter and nearly lost the bitch. Only four pups, well within her "remit" but two were from the first time, two from the second (Vets guess) so she just did not know when to give birth. I would worry if they went either more or less than 63 days- my Shelties always had large (5=6) litters and I only mated once so I knew when they were due exactly.
Well, I have always allowed multiple covers when breeding dogs (from Labs to Poodles, etc.) and this is honestly the first time I have EVER heard it said that "there is no need it only takes once" for small dogs. I've never been given that advise before nor have I seen it in any book, magazine or article I've read on breeding, be it by a vet or a show kennel. Of course it may only take once, but not always. With more than one tie you'd still be counting from the first day of breeding to determine the birth date and be watching closely for signs of any complications or an early delivery.
Yep, that may well be but I have bred a number of breeds too, and I will NEVER do multiple matings. So long as the timing is right and the dog ties well, that is all it takes. The one time we did not get a good tie and I mated again, I got dead puppies. Sorry to rattle your cage but other people on here do actually breed as well, and have opinions of their own. I had a good sized litter every time I mated a bitch and never missed once. Single matings only.

Off Topic slightly but I had a Siamese Cat many years ago who came back from stud apparently off call, went out of the window (which she opened) and got "mogged" by the local Cat Mafia.

She had thirteen kittens in the end.

Five Siamese.

Four Black.

Four Tabby.
"Sorry to rattle your cage but other people on here do actually breed as well, and have opinions of their own."

That was my point in saying I'd never talked to anyone with more experience or read anyone's book, article, etc. saying that was something that was done, Jane.
I have always done multiple breddings and never had any problems.

On little dogs to big.

I have found that the ******* body tells her when she has conceived and she no longer accepts the male.

My chihuahua, that I owned, allowed the stud breed her only twice and she delivered 3 healthy pups at day 62 without any problems, she was 5 pounds.

Opinions and experiences will always vary with this. There is very little set in stone when it comes to a females body
We all know that

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