All 3 of our carts have skis. Plus we have a calf-sled with shafts I refer to as the Toboggan. We have winter for 6 months. If we didn't adapt, we wouldn't drive!Oh my goodness! Way to use the cart in the winter!
All 3 of our carts have skis. Plus we have a calf-sled with shafts I refer to as the Toboggan. We have winter for 6 months. If we didn't adapt, we wouldn't drive!Oh my goodness! Way to use the cart in the winter!
Hi Cayuse, I did walking miles…HersheyMint.Hi guys, I am about to order our little awards for 2024! Finally!
I need help double checking with who participated please.
I have MajorClem, Marsha, Standard Equine, AbbyP , Mary Flora, crazyhorsechick, 1roadtoad, freudenhoff
This includes out walking activities too.
Am I missing anyone?
I did include myself too!
We started posting our driving hours several years ago as a way to support and motivate each other to get out and drive. Then @Cayuse decided to reward us all for our efforts with ribbons every year. Because she is one of the most wonderful humans I've had the pleasure of getting to know.Cayuse, I thank you for the mention but, I needn't be included. I just posted a couple of times while trying to figure out this ground driving thing. I wasn't really doing it in earnest like the other participants. I would love it, if you could explain to me exactly what the posting of the driving hours is all about. Starting this spring I hope to start ground driving more often and post my hours/miles.
It was a balmy +10 C!! We've had so much thaw now, I can see grass in my yard. Going to get wet this spring though. Couldn't get through the field with the tractor to replow the path. Just too deep and sticky. Ended up having a flu virus get me down yesterday so no more driving for me. However, you never know what the evenings will bring this week!Groot and Toast look like wonderful ponies! I admire their work ethic in the
I had a young gal at a horse sale tell me donkeys only have one speed. She said "This is it, donkeys only go this speed" while she walked him around the fairgrounds. Delightful 10-12 year old who trains and sells mini donkeys. Does Phillippe have just one speed? She did say that once you get them trained and they know their job they are steady as ever (unless they suddenly decide not to drive that day). Just curious. Her donkeys sold for much more than any of the other minis. They were darling.Phillippé on Saturday for half an hour.
It was a sharp breeze but we still got out for a bit. My daughter rode her warmblood mare who lost her bravery half way through. I had to get out and walk behind my vehicle leading the mare. Bless my donkey for just walking along calmly while we did what we needed to do to keep mare and daughter safe.
Aww, How cute is he??? I'm looking forward to hear about him.Groot 45 minutes Friday Feb 28
Toast 45 minutes Friday Feb 28
Groot 1 hour Sunday March 2
Falcor 1 hour Sunday March 2
Jazmine 1 hour Sunday March 3.
It was a great weekend for driving! My small friend Groot has drives #2 and 3. He's just doing awesome. Loves to work. He's driving in an open bridle, first time I've started something without blinders, but it's what fits him and he doesn't seem to have any concerns about what's behind or around him.
He just likes to go to work. Meaning, as soon as I'm seated and ask him to walk on, he wants to go for big trot. And that's fine, it's not out of control. I just steer him into what's left of the snow and give him a bit to work through so he's more interested in slowing down. I like that rather than pulling and fighting with him. It's like where Falcor had been in the beginning together. So after a couple minutes of working hard, he's far more interested in walking. We went around the field by ourselves and then down the road to the neighbor's. No issues. Just rockstar. He's going to stick around with me for another month for sure. His owner is very excited that he's taking to training so well.
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Falcor went for his first real road drive. We did 4 km accompanied by Jasmine. He seemed quite happy to have someone else with him. She liked being in front! I think we'll be able to do road drives for conditioning soon. Such a great pony!
And... we brought home a new mini donkey. He's a gelded jack, 14 years old, salt and pepper coat (he's so stinking cute!) Unfortunately he's very obese with a funky crest and fat pads all over. So he's on a straw-and-water diet right now. His name is Steve. I've actually bought him for my dearest friend whose lifelong dream has been to have his own driving donkey. There's lots of work to do with this little dude but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end.
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