dear Santa, could you send me a better paying stable job? On the bright side I did get a random act of kindness this past weekend, there is still good in the world.
AAIIAAIIAAII!!!! SAAAAANNNTA!! How are you? How are the reindeer? Is the North Pole staying cool enough with global warming? Did you enjoy Thanksgiving? Is your belly like a bowl full of jelly now?
I don't get to send a letter this year....I brought home my first mini in April, so used up my Christmas list then. Also, I wasn't the nicest....even though I did tell on myself.
Anyway, very very glad to see you out and about. Here's a biiiiigg ((((hhuuuuggg)))) and a wish for the Merriest Christmas.....please let me know if you still want to stop by for ginger cookies and Julie
Hi Santa! Good to see you! I've been a very good girl this year. Sorry I've been slow in sending in my list! We could use some prayers and some sales if possible Santa.
I have been so much better this year. I promice I will be super good next year if you would take my mare and turn her into an experienced show gelding! And extra special handmade penut butter cookies with sugar on top if you can spinkle your magic dust on my daughter to make her potty trained!
hi santa! i am so happy to see your post. the kids have written their christmas list, and we are sending them out today.
i only want for our kids to have a good christmas.
well, ok, i would really like for my hubby and i to go on a weekend get away, something we have never done. lol but if we dont get a weekend away, thats ok, we just want to make sure that everyone has a merry christmas!
Dear Santa, I'm sorry that I forgot to send you a letter, but I don't want anything! Thanks for the offer, and, since you asked:
Could you have the elves deliver some good hay, and put it in the barn for the horses, and could you work some magic, so I can sell some out of work horses so they have a good home. While I'm on a roll here, maybe you could spread some peace over this crazy world for just a little while. Thanks Santa.
Hey Santa, How have you been. I've been pretty good this year. I could really use a miniature western bridle and maybe a couple of stable halters if you have any lying around. Be sure to stop in for some cookies and milk while making your ronds on Christmas. Take care.