Oh boy.
Let's see here...
I am:
-Creative. I'm always coming up with answers that are totally outside of the box but somehow make everyone happy
-A Negotiator. I learned early how to haggle and that compromise is better than winning in the long run
-Way too sensitive and inclined to think that people are mad at me if they don't respond. I try not to let myself believe that, but it's hard!
-I have a couple of "hot buttons" which will send me immediately into horrified tears and panic. One of those is being misjudged. The other is finding out that people actually harbor negative feelings toward me when I thought they liked me.
I'm working on it.
-A Big Picture Girl. My feelings may be roused by something but I will try to get both sides of the story before I make a judgment. I can't stand those who make snap judgements based on no information!
-Highly intuitive. My gut is very sensitive and I listen to it. Always. When I don't I've regretted it every time.
-Compassionate with animals and heart-wounded people
-A definite people person
-Intelligent and sensible (I'm both a dreamer and very down-to-earth)
-Organized. I'm a list-maker!
-An artist at heart. I find poetry in my horses and love to paint word-pictures
-Someone with a ready sense of humor. Sometimes I step over the line and need to apologize but I never mean to say anything hurtful.
-Confident. I believe in myself and my ability to handle the tasks I have given myself. I also know when to ask for help!
-A perpetual learner. I love to learn and put ideas together and hope to never consider myself an expert on anything but the workings of my own mind.
-An advocate for my horses. It's been a long process to gather the confidence to stand up to the trainers or clinicians I've met but if I think they're making my horse unhappy (truly unhappy, not merely disgusted with being asked to work) I will take the horse and walk out of the lesson. I owe that to my horses who trust me to watch out for them.
-Someone who "hears" animals and somehow knows more than I should. Only sometimes though.
-Fond of my own company. I'm an only child and quite used to hearing only my own thoughts and the wind in the trees for hours. I enjoy it!
-I'm a packrat and a procrastinator. Been there (late), done that, got the T-shirt!
-I was a wallflower through most of my life and still find it very easy to slip quietly into the background of a group instead of making the effort to get out there. I make acquaintances very easily but true friends are few in my life. You'd never know it from talking to me but at heart I'm very shy and afraid of being hurt. Horses are the means by which I "get out there" and put myself forwards.
Things I Don't Like About Myself:
-I have no patience for stupid or ignorant people.
-I quickly lose my temper dealing with those who don't understand me and I feel ashamed of that as it's not like they're doing it on purpose and they're usually just as frustrated as I am.
-I can be very disrespectful to my mother and say things to her I'd never snap at anyone else. I'm consciously working to change that.
-I don't help out around the house like a responsible adult should.
-I'm tired of waiting for a man to do the things I tend to act helpless about. As my dad says, if it's simply not something I'm interested in then that's one thing, but if I'm just trying to get out of something greasy that's another.
I took it upon myself to learn about tools and tires this year and it felt really good to fix my own cart and help with rebuilding the barn.
-I suffer too much from "consumerism." I like to buy my things premade, have no idea how they were put together, and don't care where they were made as long as they're acceptable quality and within my budget.
-I'm both too thrifty and too extravagent at times. I buy harness and things I couldn't afford without a credit card but at the same time I "don't have the money" to give to needy causes. I don't like that about myself as I feel it's selfish and shameful. I'm not doing as well at working on this one!
-I don't like the person I morph into sometimes. I recognize when I'm in that mode and hopefully have learned NOT to send emails or open my mouth when I'm feeling that way but it's still miserable. That person sticks her foot in her mouth with remarkable frequency and she doesn't even mean to. She just can't say anything that doesn't come across as spiteful and cutting!
OH! Oye.