Thank you for all your replies!!
I will make a long post later but right now i'm drinking too much coffee to make a decent responce.
Yeah that.

I will make a long post later but right now i'm drinking too much coffee to make a decent responce.
If anyone has questioned the exsistance of God these past years its been me, and rightly so.I think it is ok for anyone to question if there is a God and seek out answers; after all, we are only human. We are supposed to believe in a God we have never seen, or heard or met up close and personal. We are supposed to trust in a Supreme Being just because. Its all such a mystery and its our human nature to wonder.
I was taught and always believed in a loving God and that God was Our Father. So I cannot understand WHY Our Father allowed his son Jesus to suffer, and why he allows all of us, his children to suffer? Be it at war in another country, or at the hands of a muggar on the street or a drunk driver in a car, a loving Father is supposed to protect his children, especially the ones that were devoted to him. Well he messed up and forgot to protect mine and that is the part that I just don't get and makes no sense to me. We can all walk through the beauty we see before us in the sunshine and flowers, then come into the house, turn on the news and see the horrific disasters and have to live in a world with saddess everywhere when all he has to do is pull the plug and stop the hurting. I"m not saying I don't believe but it is fair to say that my faith has been severly shaken and tested. Unless anyone can walk a day in my shoes, you can't understand how confusing it all becomes. I sure could have used a miracle and just maybe I'll get one someday. Meanwhile, its all based on faith, trust, and hope again.
Yeah that.