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Aug 19, 2007
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Can anyone tell me about a horse named goergtowns music man? He is on the papers of a shetland I bought but I cant find any info about him on the internet.

I believe he belongs to Wayne Booker and I think he's in Georgia. He's a full brother to Georgetown's Tom Cat who is an umpteen time Congress Champion and Hall of Fame. Back before Wayne Booker bought him he was advertised for sale using full page ads in the Journal. Want to say it was around 1998 or 1999.

Music Man is the sire of Jeanne McClannahan's Modern Harness gelding Beam Me Up Scotty LDF.
Hi: Just to confirm Lewella's post. Georgetown's Music Man is indeed owned by Wayne Booker. If you look in the Breeders Directory, at the back of the Journal, in Georgia, there is a picture of him (Music Man, not Wayne). Wayne is a super guy though. Fun to talk to. Used to be a Director. Don't know how much he's breeding these days. His cousin used to help him, but wasn't anymore. It was years ago that I last spoke with him, so my news isn't very current. Except the info on the Breeder's Directory Oct/Nov. 2007. Ta, Shirlee

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