Going off of the quirks thread...

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oh Lori, I could write PAGES & PAGES of pet peeves, honestly!!!

I will only think of the first few what pop inn my head, but I allways think of my pet peeves and then someone asks me, and I totally forget!!!

People who stand in the way like in doorways!

EEVES droppers!!!!!!!!

People who have to ask a million questions when they could just as easly find out on there own, IE my dad came home what time did you mom leave, where did she go, Did you tell her this, did she say when she would be back!! jeez I didnt give her an essay to write before, call and find out!!

another ex. when the phone rings and my brother allways says Who is it? half the time i dont know! just pick the phone up and find out!!

ONRY people!

People who act like we have knowen each other for a million years and have ask me a million questions when I dont like the people (and trust me, this is way diferent with people who arnt into horses, just anoyying)

people who this sports is the only thing worth living(my brothers)

People who are disrespectfully!


I know I could write a million more, but I will stop!!
I thought of some more GOOD ones....for me anyway.

Hubby when he finishes his drink (or before) and sits there crunching the ice while I'm trying to watch a movie.

Repeatitive songs (Bruce Springsteen.....can't stand him), insturmentals too. Lots of the old 70s rock had a lot of guitar solos that were the same chords over and over and over and.....well you get the picture.

Loud TV or music. Get your ears checked!

I'm not prejudiced (I hate everybody equally...jk) but you are white, you are not a "gangsta". Pull up your pants and pronounce your words!
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and you thought my quirks were odd
may I speak freely?


People who roll eyes and moan about us smokers who have NO WHERE ELSE TO SMOKE..geesh at least now we are outside the buildings..so much for a free country

Idiots who throw cigarette butts out their car windows or on sidewalks (although the current lack of ashtrays explains some of that)

Idiots who throw anything else out car windows.....hello trash receptacles...litterbugs

People who speed swerve and generally break every rule of the road because THEY are in a hurry

People who file frivilous lawsuits/ try to find someone to blame/etc.....urghhh

People who think they are above the law

illegal aliens using my tax dollars when I can't even afford doctors medical insurance or dental help for my family

criminals on death row who have been there for 10-20-30 yrs (on my dime) then why the heck call it death row cause obviously it's NOT

Corporations who out source to places like india to avoid paying minimum wage greedy un american pigs

shall I go on or is that enough?......my blood pressure is rising (that would be a bad thing if I had blood pressure to start with
) as it is I may hit normal any minute

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