Going off on another thread....

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2005
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I just went back and read some of the responses to Pepipony's post on spelling and someone mentioned accents and the "way" people talk....

Well, I for one LOVE listening to accents and hearing the different terminology for describing the same word.

For example, I was born a "Beantown baby"...all my aunts and uncles say "tonic" when describing a "cola".

Well, I've lived in Maine the majority of my life and I say "pop", however most "Mainers" say, "soda". I say pop because my mom is from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and that is how I "picked that up". I got my husband and kids saying it now, too. However, I say "Z" and not "Zed".

I remember going there when I was a little kid and my cousin asked me if I wanted some "pop". I said, "sure". I was a bit surprised when she handed me a can of Coke...I was thinking pop=popsicle!!

Another one I noticed from Cape Breton Island is when someone agrees with you, they say, "right on".

When I went to Arizona...

I went to a little "mom and pop" store. When I was finished paying, she asked me if I wanted a "sac". Uh...a what?? Of course sac=bag. Never heard anyone say that before!

Last spring, we flew to Texas and drove back to Maine and it was so fun seeing the sites and hearing the "thick drawls" and seeing different things in restaurants (ex: chicken fried steak...ya don't see too much of that around here!) We started in Corpus Christi and went through Mississippi, Tennessee, Virginia, etc. Now I keep thinking...sheesh...think of all the ponies I could of picked up en route!

That reminds me of another....here, we say route as in "root". If you go further down, it's "rowte".

Then of course there's the "fixin' to" do something you hear "out west or down south" and how you never "canter" on a horse, you "lope" and it's not uncommon for a "mainer" to say "wicked" when they're describing something..."wicked good clam chowdah"! lol

Sorry for rambling on...I find this stuff interesting. Anyone else have any???
I don't know if it counts to use "rodeo" termenology, but if so a horse that acts up is known as a "dink" or "beggar", if you rope well you are "ropey" or "wolfy" if you ride a horse well you are "stickey". Spurs are known as "gut hooks"or "rib wrenches", a horse that works awesome is a "bad cat", if a steer is really good he is known as a "rope me" steer (because he runs out there and says "rope me"). If he's fast he runs "like a striped ape", if he ducks left or right while running he has a few "mallards" in him. Those are just the ones that come to mind right off. It's true that everyone in every field has their own termonology

Edited to add

There is also "stabbin' a leg" (only roping one leg), "playing frisbee" (rope goes over the head of the steer without hitting him), "stirring the soup/pot" (missing your dallies), "wrapped up like a christmas present" (illegal head catch)
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im a full pledged southern guy and we are picked on all the time when we travel...haha i went to disney world once and some guy told me i was like a lil forrest gump....i didnt know if that was good or bad because i didnt know who forrest gump was.

We travel a lot and sometimes ppl laugh at our southern drawl and what not...but some of the ladies think its cute
: haha

but as far as "soda" or "pop" down here we dont say either one....haha we just say drink...like "gimme one a those drinks" haha and half the time we just say the name of the drink.

oh and one that ppl always laugh at is "polecat" for skunk...ppl are always like "say what?"
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