Well-Known Member
Camilla gave me permission to post this here.
After this, I do miss my Paso Finos...
My daughter still has Melada, our first mare we started our breeding program
who is now 21 years old.
Hope you enjoy the video like I did..
Donna who helped Camilla, took one of our mares for a year.
Her Stallion was bred to our Mare...
So nice for Camilla : Check out the videos below:
Hi Everyone,
Some of you may have heard that my Paso Fino stallion, Mercenario ("Mercy") and I had an awesome time at Can-Am Equine Emporium this weekend. It was the Canadian finals of the Wind Rider Equestrian Challenge. There were 22 finalists, some of which (like us) had pre-qualified by winning a regional competition in 2009. Mercenario was the only Paso Fino and the only gaited horse, the competition included Quarter Horses, thoroughbred, Morgan, ShireX, Gypsy Vanners, Appaloosas, Arab, Canadian Horse and more. The event took place over the 3 days of Can-Am, with the first stage being an obstacle course. Mercenario was unbelievably hyper and super-charged for this part (he piaffed all the way through the Gate obstacle) but we held it together and still managed to receive High Score for this portion. The top 3 scores went forward to stage 2, which was a new timed obstacle course and then individual Musical Freestyles. I was thrilled to get to this stage as we had worked hard to prepare our freestyle. Our second obstacle course was a bit of a hot mess, and I felt we were doomed to 3rd, but our freestyle went really well and was a crowd and judge-pleaser so... we were thrilled and surprised to WIN! Our prizes included a custom Ortho-Flex saddle, an Anivac, new clippers, $, and other cool stuff.
So be proud all you Paso Fino owners and lovers... a Paso Fino is the 2010 National Wind Rider Challenge Champion! Now this means we are invited (and paid) to compete in a head-to-head competion for the North American Wind Rider Challenge Championship in Wisconsin (April 16-18th, 2010) at the huge Mid-West Fair in Madison. Another great promo opportunity for our wonderful and versatile breed.
Needless to say I am very happy with and grateful for my beautiful horse, Mercenario. I am also so very grateful for all the help and support I got from my great Fina Vista friends, especially Jennifer, Victoria, Leslie, Margaret, Donna, (my friend ) Janet and Marianne (they rocked!). Also a big thank you to Janet Konyer and the lovely folks at Lookout Farm for opening their doors to us and looking after Mercy while we practiced.
Janet was able to upload this video that Gary shot (thanks Gary!) to YouTube of our Musical Freestyle:
Happy trails everyone, and please excuse my shameless bragging (just proud on me pony!).
Camilla Willings
Fina Vista Farm
Damascus, Ontario
After this, I do miss my Paso Finos...
My daughter still has Melada, our first mare we started our breeding program
who is now 21 years old.
Hope you enjoy the video like I did..
Donna who helped Camilla, took one of our mares for a year.
Her Stallion was bred to our Mare...
So nice for Camilla : Check out the videos below:

Hi Everyone,
Some of you may have heard that my Paso Fino stallion, Mercenario ("Mercy") and I had an awesome time at Can-Am Equine Emporium this weekend. It was the Canadian finals of the Wind Rider Equestrian Challenge. There were 22 finalists, some of which (like us) had pre-qualified by winning a regional competition in 2009. Mercenario was the only Paso Fino and the only gaited horse, the competition included Quarter Horses, thoroughbred, Morgan, ShireX, Gypsy Vanners, Appaloosas, Arab, Canadian Horse and more. The event took place over the 3 days of Can-Am, with the first stage being an obstacle course. Mercenario was unbelievably hyper and super-charged for this part (he piaffed all the way through the Gate obstacle) but we held it together and still managed to receive High Score for this portion. The top 3 scores went forward to stage 2, which was a new timed obstacle course and then individual Musical Freestyles. I was thrilled to get to this stage as we had worked hard to prepare our freestyle. Our second obstacle course was a bit of a hot mess, and I felt we were doomed to 3rd, but our freestyle went really well and was a crowd and judge-pleaser so... we were thrilled and surprised to WIN! Our prizes included a custom Ortho-Flex saddle, an Anivac, new clippers, $, and other cool stuff.
So be proud all you Paso Fino owners and lovers... a Paso Fino is the 2010 National Wind Rider Challenge Champion! Now this means we are invited (and paid) to compete in a head-to-head competion for the North American Wind Rider Challenge Championship in Wisconsin (April 16-18th, 2010) at the huge Mid-West Fair in Madison. Another great promo opportunity for our wonderful and versatile breed.

Needless to say I am very happy with and grateful for my beautiful horse, Mercenario. I am also so very grateful for all the help and support I got from my great Fina Vista friends, especially Jennifer, Victoria, Leslie, Margaret, Donna, (my friend ) Janet and Marianne (they rocked!). Also a big thank you to Janet Konyer and the lovely folks at Lookout Farm for opening their doors to us and looking after Mercy while we practiced.
Janet was able to upload this video that Gary shot (thanks Gary!) to YouTube of our Musical Freestyle:
Happy trails everyone, and please excuse my shameless bragging (just proud on me pony!).
Camilla Willings
Fina Vista Farm
Damascus, Ontario
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