A really good, OLD, suspense film is The Changling with George C Scott. I don't usually like the old black and white stuff, but this one had me so on the edge of my seat that when hubby tried to hand me a bowl of ice cream I startled so bad I knocked it right across the room! I also love Sixth Sense. These are good in the suspense scary catagory, not so much in the blood and guts scary catagory. I also liked Seven Deadly Sins with Morgan Freeman. I almost forgot about the Blair Witch Project! Criminy, that one had me unsettled for days!
I am a book junky and go through at least one per week. I love good scary books or gory mysteries. Here are a few of my favorite authors. Pretty much anything they write, I will buy.
Patricia Cornwall
James Patterson
John Sanford-- his "Prey" series is really good
Tess Garritson,
Tami Hoag
Dean Koontz
Jonathan Kellerman
Michael Palmer
All these guys are good writers, IMO
Enjoy, Linda