I am so sorry Mish, but don't give up. Still hoping it's gas and with a bunch of prayers she still can make it. I'm pulling for you and going to light the candle I just got today and it's been blessed.
Mish I have also seen the needle back in Florida just once. It worked well by my vet on a boarded QH colt that I had been riding. He had colic for 2 days and was so huge I never saw anything like that. The vet said he was "lifting off some gas" as I remember. That horse stood right up and it was like nothing ever happened. I just assume that the vet needs a lot of experience to do that though. First time I ever heard of it. Do not know anything about doing it to a mini. I have seen it work up here to my shock by use of a knife on a cow right out in the field and needed some stictches. But that is all I know about any of that and don't know about any risk factors involved at all.
Tuff's mom: I have had horses die in my arms from colic so sometimes you just do desperate things and grasp at straws. I've gotten a few horses through colic by a trailer ride. First off, many horses will poop just from being loaded. Call it nerves or stress, or just wanting to tick you off, most horses will poop in the trailer. Some think that its also the jiggle of the trailer getting the meds to stir up into the system and getting them to work faster by taking them for a ride. Lunging them at a big trot also encourages gas to come out. Taking them for a ride can get them to do just that. If you suspect a twist though, that is when you do not want them moving about or walking, trotting. etc. Different methods for different colics but it's a tuff call sometimes when you are not a vet and you just don't know what kind of colic you are dealing with so you could be doing more harm than good there too. Could be a blockage, then you hope that oil kicks in and fast.
Mish I have also seen the needle back in Florida just once. It worked well by my vet on a boarded QH colt that I had been riding. He had colic for 2 days and was so huge I never saw anything like that. The vet said he was "lifting off some gas" as I remember. That horse stood right up and it was like nothing ever happened. I just assume that the vet needs a lot of experience to do that though. First time I ever heard of it. Do not know anything about doing it to a mini. I have seen it work up here to my shock by use of a knife on a cow right out in the field and needed some stictches. But that is all I know about any of that and don't know about any risk factors involved at all.
Tuff's mom: I have had horses die in my arms from colic so sometimes you just do desperate things and grasp at straws. I've gotten a few horses through colic by a trailer ride. First off, many horses will poop just from being loaded. Call it nerves or stress, or just wanting to tick you off, most horses will poop in the trailer. Some think that its also the jiggle of the trailer getting the meds to stir up into the system and getting them to work faster by taking them for a ride. Lunging them at a big trot also encourages gas to come out. Taking them for a ride can get them to do just that. If you suspect a twist though, that is when you do not want them moving about or walking, trotting. etc. Different methods for different colics but it's a tuff call sometimes when you are not a vet and you just don't know what kind of colic you are dealing with so you could be doing more harm than good there too. Could be a blockage, then you hope that oil kicks in and fast.