Good Thoughts Please --

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I am so sorry Mish, but don't give up. Still hoping it's gas and with a bunch of prayers she still can make it. I'm pulling for you and going to light the candle I just got today and it's been blessed.

Mish I have also seen the needle back in Florida just once. It worked well by my vet on a boarded QH colt that I had been riding. He had colic for 2 days and was so huge I never saw anything like that. The vet said he was "lifting off some gas" as I remember. That horse stood right up and it was like nothing ever happened. I just assume that the vet needs a lot of experience to do that though. First time I ever heard of it. Do not know anything about doing it to a mini. I have seen it work up here to my shock by use of a knife on a cow right out in the field and needed some stictches. But that is all I know about any of that and don't know about any risk factors involved at all.

Tuff's mom: I have had horses die in my arms from colic so sometimes you just do desperate things and grasp at straws. I've gotten a few horses through colic by a trailer ride. First off, many horses will poop just from being loaded. Call it nerves or stress, or just wanting to tick you off, most horses will poop in the trailer. Some think that its also the jiggle of the trailer getting the meds to stir up into the system and getting them to work faster by taking them for a ride. Lunging them at a big trot also encourages gas to come out. Taking them for a ride can get them to do just that. If you suspect a twist though, that is when you do not want them moving about or walking, trotting. etc. Different methods for different colics but it's a tuff call sometimes when you are not a vet and you just don't know what kind of colic you are dealing with so you could be doing more harm than good there too. Could be a blockage, then you hope that oil kicks in and fast.
[SIZE=14pt]Michelle, Im with Bess, convince your vet to try the unusual and see if it will help her. Anything is better than not being able to do anything. Hope she is better this morning.[/SIZE]

Thanks Marty, I get it now

I was worried for a second, I have only had one experience with a colic, and we were to slowly walk him, he had oil, banamine, and lots of sedatives in him, and NO added stress, but it was too late and he didn't make it through, it all started and was done with within a couple of hours. That's why the trailer thing threw me off!
Hello All,

Thank you all so much for your concerns, good thoughts, prayers and suggestions. Each and every one of them truly mean a lot to me....

Well, no change whatsoever this morning when I checked on Sky at 4:30 AM. I began calling the vet on call from 4:30 to 8:30 on and left 7+ pages to no avail. At 2 minutes before 9:00 when the clinic opens I got lucky and someone answered. I left a message, explaining the situation and said I needed a vet ASAP. A vet was out within 15 minutes, my favorite vet....

We did more tubing to see if we could empty her stomach more and we didn't get much, just mucus and very little undigested food. Gut sounds are still minimal. No temp., gum color is fair, but she's beginning to get a dark pink line above her teeth which means that the toxins from her gut are being released.

We did the insertion of the needle into the abdomen. On the right side was nothing, she began to get fluid, so pulled out. On the left side it was like releasing air from a balloon and that continued for quite a while. Through massages we were able to get air from both sides of her abdomen and her stomach went down a great deal. Now she's on 4 cc's of Penicillin 2 x's a day since the risk of infection is high. Banamine when needed and sedatives every 12 hours or when needed.

This morning Sky was more spry and talking, a lot. My vet is taking it upon herself to stop by later this afternoon on her own time to check on her status and go from there, though she did say Sky has a slight chance of pulling through, but a couple things are in her favor.

I'll definitely keep you all updated and if anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know. I'm grasping at straws here.

Thank you all again.
[SIZE=14pt]So glad you were able to get her some relief with the tap... not having that big pressure in there probably helps her alot. Has she passed anything at all?[/SIZE]

Still hoping for the best. Talking babies is good. moping ones not so good. Not crazy about the toxin line tho.... let us know. Tell your vet we love her for taking the extra time.... I have one like that too.

Wow, this is an ordeal....I am sorry for you and your girl that it isn't improving rapidly. I will keep you both in my thoughts that it does begin to improve and she can stay with you.

Liz M.+++++
Talking is GOOD!

Been thinking about you all morning - good for you for staying so persistant in getting someone out to your place!

Please keep us posted - we're all sending you POSITIVE thoughts!
I'm so sorry about your little one. Someone mentioned the use of epsom salts and was wondering if you have tried that. After I lost my yearling colt last year, I was told about using that. Sure wish I had known about it before hand. Perhaps this afternoon your vet might want to try that.

My prayers for her recovery are sent your way.

Quick update, then I'm headed back out....

At 1:30 PM Sky passed (some) manure. I've never seen this before, so maybe someone else can shed some light on it.... The manure was about the size of a dog food kibble and she passed 8 of them. They are very hard and very dry. I saved them for my vet to view.....



Edited to add:

I've personally given her epsom salt, but we haven't tried tubing it yet. That's something I am going to talk to my vet about this evening. She said something about giving her something you normally use on cattle to break down all of the gas in the stomach and help break down a lot of the mucus and gunk, I never did get the name, but when she went to get it she didn't have it on the truck, so we went with mineral oil. I didn't remember I had epsom salt until she left .... so many things going on and I'm working solo here....
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Prayers for you and Sky...

Have had horses with impactions that have passed oil covered clumps after being oiled twice by the vet...

Have done the trailer thing - even just making the horse get on the trailer sometimes does the trick (except for Freedom this past January, who was impacted for twenty four hours and was moving things through her gut slowly for another three...).

The darkened, blood speckled gums I saw with Libby just before she passed - it came on suddenly and she went down fast. The vet told us the toxins in her system overtook her too rapidly to save her. She did not have an impaction or a twist but an odd infection.

Hope things improve for you and Sky very quickly - having a sick horse wears the "mom" down too!


Silversong Farm
Oh My God, not Sky...!! Iwasn't on yesterday and just now saw this. Michelle please tell Sky that I love her and that she just has to pull through. I am praying for both of you!


Ginny StP
Awwww, I'm so sorry about your baby! I do hope she gets better.

Sending prayers your way


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