Gracie is in foal as of today 359 days!

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WOW, look at that V!! Good luck, hope she goes soon for you.
Looking forward to a birth announcement.

WOW, look at that V!! Good luck, hope she goes soon for you.
Looking forward to a birth announcement.


Hey Jodie~ Thanks
I found out something about you that makes me in awe of you... You know Stacey Westfall! I saw here on and am so wanting to fly to where she is and take lessons! I would love to communicate with my 16 hand boy like she does with her clients horses...anyway
Thanks I will keep the forum posted on my baby news
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She does look real close doesn't she? Here are her privates shots. tee hee. I don't think you have long to wait Renee!


Ya, I wish my mare looked like that!! Mine is at 355 days today. Sheesh!!
Sheesh is just how I feel...I took those pictures 3 days ago! I am very ready but I think the holding out for spring thing must be what she is doing.... Or do you think she just wants to aggrivate me??? I have a wedding to plan for my 25 year old daughter and I have been putting off going to LA to dress shop where she lives because I have a baby coming and need to be here for her... She probably is just jealous and wants me to saty here with her... Ha my first daughter understands though
Thanks goodness and the wedding isnt until next year , even better , oh these girls of mine

She does look real close doesn't she? Here are her privates shots. tee hee. I don't think you have long to wait Renee!



Boy her privates look HUGE on here...out for everyone to see...poor Gracie he he

Thanks agian Rhonda
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You are very welcome Renee! Do you have an accent on either of those e's on the end? Anyways, aren't you glad that our girls don't know what we do with those photos we take? They would kick the heck out of us if they did! Or keep those babies in. tee hee
You are very welcome Renee! Do you have an accent on either of those e's on the end? Anyways, aren't you glad that our girls don't know what we do with those photos we take? They would kick the heck out of us if they did! Or keep those babies in. tee hee

Rhonda, you are too funny
I do have an accent on the last e but I am lazy
~ I just don't put it on there...You are right I would have bruised knees for sure if Gracie new she was nude on the intenet ...whew!

How is Merry doing? I bet you are feeling anxious every night like me HUH? I keep checking her udder and she is pretty sick of it, I try to be easy but nothing comes out so I sqeeze a little harder and she get crabby, I was thinking I hope I don't irritate her so she won't let the baby nurse, Oh I better quit thinking like that!!! I'll be easier just the same...
OK I know I need to just be quiet ...But it has been 363 days! She is very fat and very content to just eat and lol around, I guess I need some xanex or something cause this is wearing me out... any other babies boen that have been long awaited? Ren
Yes year before last we had a mare who had had her previous foal at 317 who went to 368 with her next one. Both colts and no real difference in the time of year just different daddys and 2 years between them.She had both very easily with no complications just took longer to cook the second one for some reason. They come when THEY are ready. The baby just isnt ready for you to see him/her.
Yes year before last we had a mare who had had her previous foal at 317 who went to 368 with her next one. Both colts and no real difference in the time of year just different daddys and 2 years between them.She had both very easily with no complications just took longer to cook the second one for some reason. They come when THEY are ready. The baby just isnt ready for you to see him/her.

Thank you...I needed that
This is her second baby my first (mini) so I am kind of in I went shopping and just got home and found your response was very comforting to know that when the baby is 'done' it will hop on out to meet me
Thanks so much, this is such a comforting forum I am so glad you are here
363 days was my longest pregenancy (thankfully the mare has never repeated that), and 286 days was the shortest with a normal foal out of both.

Wishing you successful births and well deserved sleep!

363 days was my longest pregenancy (thankfully the mare has never repeated that), and 286 days was the shortest with a normal foal out of both.

Wishing you successful births and well deserved sleep!


I am so glad to hear that the mares have a different agenda than the books
I just want to have this baby out and in my arms and healthy and safe! Dang it! Thanks so much for the good wishes
OK there has been a lot of movement today on her left side ...she looks sick to her stomach, I can't really explain that but that is just how she looks to me, she eats normally but when I go into her pen she makes a circle around me and then walks to me she usually goes to look for food or just goes somewhere, I am going out on a limb and say I think it will be here tonight..oh please oh please oh please
How is she doing today Reneé? Any bambino yet? I look forward to hearing!
I hope she pops soon for you! The long waits are agonizing..I had one go 372 days and have a healthy colt and our youngest has thankfully been 299 days and fine too. Keep us posted!
Oh you guys I am sorry to report no bambino today, I am at least glad she is healthy and you are all here to report too, it really helps , and when this little bundle finally comes it will be a good day indeed
Thanks everybody
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Darn Renee, get in there and push for her. I thought for sure she'd foal today.


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