Sorry it has taken me so long to post pictures of Fancy's baby. Talk about a crazy day and if I had to tell you about it, it would take me almost all day
Here is Fancy's story.... We were up early this morning because my farrier had re-scheduled from yesterday to first thing this morning. Gracie had just gotten dressed and I was still in my PJ's and just sat down to enjoy a cup of coffee before the farrier would get there. I had just checked Fancy on the camera and she was eating just as she was 15 minutes before that. Neither Gracie nor I had checked her udder yet and late the night before I had done an udder check and could not get anything, not even a tiny drop out of it and her hooha, while big, was not red inside. So we were really not expecting a foal since there were not changes. The only thing I can say that was different was that the night before and last night, she did not lay down but for a short period of time and not flat. So back to the coffee.... just sat down and had a couple sips when the foaling alarm went off and Gracie went to check the monitor and said "Fancy is just napping, laying flat". That triggered an alarm in my brain because Fancy does not lay flat in the mornings, so I asked Gracie to watch her for a second and she said she was just resting. Still not convinced I made Gracie go out and check her. When I heard feet running back to the house I knew what was happening... "MOM!! Fancy is pushing"! All chose broke loose and sweatshirt was thrown on and tennis shoes with no socks and out we went. Fancy was down and amnionic sac was present. I checked foal position and came across a hoof and a nose and on more palpating I found the second hoof over the head. Since Fancy was so quiet, I had Gracie then do her first presentation check which she did very willingly and I quizzed her through it asking her what she felt and what that would typically be. I then had her feel the second hoof over the head and I then told her I was going to try and fix that leg where it should be. I was easily able to correct it and it helped Fancy deliver easier. Gracie applied the traction of assisting Fancy and the delivery was quick and easy. This foal ring tested a colt, so we are 3 for 3 with the ring test (included my QH mare)
. He seemed so huge in comparison to Superman and he does make Superman seem so small. Luckily Fancy did get her milk in but her udder is still small, even tonight. However his IgG was great! Since he seemed to be nursing all the time my vet suggested milking Lexi the milk cow and trying to feed him. If he sucked hungrily it meant he was not getting enough and if he was not interested, it would mean he was getting plenty. So we did that and he was not at all interested in what was in the bottle. My vet did swing by later to draw a coggins on a QH colt of mine and she said he looked like he was 2 weeks old already. I can't help but agree. He is so strong. He was up and ready to nurse. He has been one of the easiest foals to get to nurse. His first nurse he was switching from nipple to nipple like and expert. Fancy is a good mother, but not obsessive like Lexi. She still likes her food. It is hard to believe that he is a "normal" mini size since he seems twice as big as Superman. I do not think he will have blue eyes, if anything he may have partial blue. He has a fluffy coat and the straightest legs. We could not be more happier with what our stallion is producing.
Also since this colt is so strong, we moved him and Fancy down to our "back-up" stall with no camera to bring in Jasmine (the little buckskin mini that is dues next) in. Jasmine has a decent udder with plenty of clear-yellow fluid coming out. She is 327 days today. I milk tested her tonight and it only tested one line on the Predict-A-Foal strips. I feel better bringing her in.
Without further ado.... here is Rocky~