Grandma is in the hospital...

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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My Grandma got transfered from the Nursing home to the hospital today, we went up to see her, so sad, she has been going down hill for awhile, is very dehydrated.......She is 95 and has alzheimers really bad. She was so lifeless made me so sad...

I stayed with her for two hours just holding her hand and talking to her, she hasn't known who I am for some time, when I come see her she never knows my name, but I still tell her who I am and talk to her.

I hate to see her suffer, they said when she came in she was so dehydrated, cold and clammy that if they wouldn't have gotten the IV's started she wouldn't have made it much longer.

One thing that bothers us is we want to do what we can to keep her comfortable, but knowing my grandma BEFORE alzheimers and being so sick she would NEVER want to live like this..... She was A FIERY Grandma, that wouldn't hesitate to say a cuss word, and when Grandpa was in the Nursing home from a stroke, years ago before she ever got sick SHE ALWAYS said she would rather die than be in a Nursing home or have people have to care for her like that.

My dad said as long as she is leaving the IV's in then we will do what we can, but if she pulls them out, then it is her choice...and they will not put them back in.

She is a DNR.

I left from the hospital and went and got her a real fluffy soft stuffed animal to keep with her.

I don't want to lose her but I hate to see her like this, and at 95 there is really no getting better. I just PRAY that she doesn't continue suffering.........It is so unfair, I mean you wouldn't let your animals suffer, why do you have to watch you loved oned at that age suffer????????

I hate this.....................

Please keep Grandma in your prayers.... We will know more tomorrow if the fluids are helping or not, as her kidneys where not functioning well when they brought her in.

Thanks for listening to me.
This is very sad. I can't say I know what it is like to lose a grandparent as the only grandparent I have lost was lost very suddenly, so I think that is a different feeling from what you are feeling now.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.
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I'm so sorry, my thoughts and prayers are with you both.
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I am so sorry to hear about your Grandma, I hope that if it happens to be her time to go that she goes as peacefully as possible.

I know that my Grandma had a heartattack and was hospitalized, she ended up being in the hospital 18 agonizing days before she passed on, and it is something I will never, ever forget.

I know my Grandma was a spitfire and didn't want to be in the hospital either, but I will also add, even though it was agonizing, she was the only Grandma I knew and I miss her to this day and I would never trade those last days visiting with her for anything.

I try to remember the good times, and hopefully you can do that as well. My Grandma's last couple of years she would repeat everything, I think it was more dementia than alzheimers, and my Grandpa got like that his last few years also, and I truly believe that was the hardest thing to take, was watching people suffer. I think what is even harder to take is that my own Mother is now showing signs of dementia and she is younger than my Grandma when Grandma's symptoms's very depressing to see and realize your parents or grandparents are getting older and won't be here forever.

I truly emphathize with you and please know you may PM me anytime, you definitely have a friend here.......

Sending you a cyber hug & good thoughts & prayers to you and your family.
You are all in my prayers and I have to respect her thoughts as that is how I feel also. You did what I would do and got her something soft and warm like the stuffed animal. For my dad I gave him a soft soft fleece lap cover. He'd lay under it and later I'd find his hands on top of it holding it's softness. Tactile things can always reach even one who is so long lost. I'll pray her passing is quiet and sweet.
So sorry to hear about your grandma Michele, it is hard enough when a loved one is sick, let alone this time of the year...My grandparents are both 95 so I think I can relate with you some what. Prayers and hugs coming your way, Lori
[SIZE=14pt]So sad about your Grandma. I know you love her but when you said you hate to loose her I was thinking that you lost her when the alzheimers took her.... She isnt still here just her frail body struggling..... Love her enough to let her go. Praying for peace for you and your family. I know this is tough.[/SIZE]

Sending prayers and hugs your way. I was the same way with my grandmother...she was not the person she had been for quite a while and when she did go it was fast and for that I was grateful. Now I have my good memories back because she also had been a spunky lady with lots of stories to tell! Grandma's are the best.
Such a rough time to be going through. It is so very hard to see loved ones failing like this. Your grandma is in my prayers that she stays comfortable. Your whole family is in my prayers to give you strength in this trying time.
Thanks to everyone that sends your thoughts and prayers! Grandma is doing a little better, her skin has pinked up, she looks a little better, they did give her a sedative since she wakes up and seems to get very upset, it is helping her relax...Waiting to talk to the doctor, when he makes his rounds to see what he thinks...I didn't get any info yet on her kidney function today...She is taking alot of fluids in via IV, and they aren't coming out, but he said that she was so dehydrated her body is absorbing it.

At least she seems more comfortable....I wanted to head back up there this evening, but since we are about 40 minutes from the hospital and the road conditions are terrible, I will have to call....

It is snowing and blowing here, with wind gusts up to 50mph.....The interstate is closed and travel is not advised.

Thanks again for all of your thought.....I know many of you understand....And it sure helps!
Hello Michelle,

I am sorry to hear about your grandmother,will send a prayer her way and one for you as well.

What a nice grandaughter to care so much.


Bless your heart, Michelle. What a beautiful idea to give grandma a soft animal to hold.....surely she appreciates your loving thoughts. Prayers for her comfort and your breaking heart. Do take care, hold her hand as long as you can.
Sending prayers to you, your grandma, and all of your family. That is so good of you to want to give her something to comfort herself with.

Hold her hand as often as you can or just sit by her bedside.
I can imagine how difficult this must be for you...I'm glad to know that your grandma is resting well now. She's lucky to have sucha a devoted grandaughter as you.
Grandma passed away today....Last night I sat with her most the evening at the hospital, came home and they called at 6 am that she had taken a turn for the worse. I made it over, so did my dad and my mom, Grandma passed at about 9:00am with me holding her hand........I thank god we were all there for her in her last hours. I know she is 95 and I am so thankful she is finally at rest. But it really bothered me to watch her take her last breaths.............Something I will never in my life ever forget.

She can now be reuinited with my grandpa who passed away 20 years ago...I am not sure when the funeral will be, either Friday or Sat. She didn't want a big funeral, so we will probably have a family viewing, and then graveside service.

Rest in Peace Grandma.............
[SIZE=14pt]What a wonderful way to die with your grandaughter holding your hand! I know this is hard for you but think how warm and loved she felt to the end..... I can only hope that I will be so lucky to have my family with me when I go to the next life. God Blesss you and your family. He will see you through this difficult time.[/SIZE]


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