I gave up bathing her! She is ubermama right now, so the less I stress her, the better we all are. She comes up to me for head rubs and (maybe) goodies in my pocket, so I act as though I have a right to touch her, and slide my hand under her for a feel of her milk bar, which hasn't changed a lick. Bless her heart, I think this whole thing is going to go on indefinitely. Wait . . . trying to be positive, here. Her herd-mates are dropping babies as we speak, although we have no idea when she was bred, so we don't know when the event will happen. Thankfully, we have all of you as a reference, with pictures and warnings and so forth. I'm so GLAD that you're here! We're still reading, absorbing, watching . . . I'd post more pictures, but I swear there's no change!!!!