I have AOL also, and it sends the email back with this message...
"Your mail could not be delivered because the recipient is only accepting mail from specific email addresses. If you feel you received this in error, please contact the recipient directly and ask them to check their email settings."
So I'll just tell you here. I have lost almost four pounds since last Sunday, doing absolutely no exercise what-so-ever and going out to eat twice. The diet I am on is the easiest, most enjoyable one I've ever done, and I haven't had to give up any of the foods I enjoy. Here's what I do...
I eat 8 ounces (or less) every three hours. I am a huge snacker, and eating so often helps me to not feel hungry or like I want to munch inbetween meals. I also heard that eating often helps regulate blood sugar and increases your metabolism. If you do a google search for 'eating every three hours' you'll find articles that explain the benefits and why it works.
I also no longer use dinner plates. Instead I use 7-inch paper party plates that you buy for birthday parties (a tea-cup saucer would also work). This gives me the illusion that I'm eating a full plate. Lol. When I eat crackers, cookies, etc, I don't eat 8 ounces. Instead I eat one serving only, possibly two depending on what it is. I also drink mostly water, except for an occasional soda when we go out to a restaurant. If eating out, I ask for a to-go box when ordering, then when the food arrives, I put 2/3 of the meal in the box and eat the remaining 1/3.
It isn't altering what you eat, counting calories, or relying on magic pills. Instead it is teaching your stomach the correct portion to eat, which will hopefully become a lifelong habit. I refuse to cut out carbs or anything else I enjoy. That seems like a recipe for failure to me. Instead, I eat what I want in moderation and also "when" I'm supposed to.
If you do a search on "Anita Mills", you can see a wonderful example of how this way of eating works. She also has a facebook page if you're interested (you don't need a facebook account to view it).
Just thought I'd let you know what is working for me.