Grrrrr some of u make me angry!

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EAD Minis

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2005
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[SIZE=14pt]Ok I am now going to vent because in the past and present I have been flamed with trying to share somthing which I thought was kewl!!U flame us ALL hte time and I understand that u areconserned about the horses health and stuff but Imean comeon people!!Some of you just flame me and others because you want to.We arnt stupid so LAY OFF!!!I am taking a breakfromLB because you make me sooo peeved!!Grrr....I am sorry to all who are nice and considerate but the others need to lay off.Please!!I will not be reading this post after so if you wish to speak to me e-mail me at [email protected]!![/SIZE]
What is Kewl?? I'm sorry if you were flamed, but I have no idea what you are talking about. The forum is a great place as far as I'm concerned and the only times I've seen people seriously flamed was when they were doing something that endangers themselves or their animals. I am sorry that you are feeling so badly.
I've taken my breaks from here as well and am seriously contimplating leaving in the sometime in the future. I get harrased very badly on here and flamed and am to the point where im scared to even post a new thread because heaven forbid someone say something respectful. There are so many people on here (kaykay, Marty, OhHorsePee, GREENWOOD, New_Image, Midnight) who i just adore!. But then there are some others (not saying who) who i just wish would leave or not respond to my posts because its always something rude, mean, hurtful or just crazy that there saying.

I have my times when im just not in a good mood and speak my mind quit openly ...but im never rude or hurtful to anyone on here.

I have my own thoughts as to why ..and i know why. Its the same reason your flamed all the time to ....we share this by the way and have it in common.

Im planning on leaving the forum pretty soon because its just not worth it.

They do have a good point here. If someone posts but is not asking for help or advice in any way, they just want to share their enjoyment of their minis then everyone should refrain from giving their unwanted advice. If someone IS asking for advice then certainly you may give them your opinion from your own experience but you can not and should not ram it down their throat. If you cannot

just be satisfied with having given your advice and leaving the decision, as to whether or not the suggestion works for the person you are giving it to, up to them then perhaps you should be quiet. As for assuming the person is stupid or naive I know some have assumed that of me and raked me over the coals for not taking their advice. You know the old saying "Assuming makes an a_ _ out of U and me!"

Having said that, I have broad shoulders and can take abuse and just let it slide off. I have found the Forum to be a good source of knowledge and appreciate the efforts of all who have contributed their advice when I had a problem. The best solution is to just sift through the suggestions till you find one that works for you in your particular situation.

Remember these are all just suggestions based on personal experience!
New_Image said:
What is Kewl?? I'm sorry if you were flamed, but I have no idea what you are talking about. The forum is a great place as far as I'm concerned and the only times I've seen people seriously flamed was when they were doing something that endangers themselves or their animals. I am sorry that you are feeling so badly.
Kewl is "Cool" in internet lango. Ive never understood why the use of it, since most internet lango is "made" to shorten what you type and both kewl and cool are 4 letters long but hey!

One Ritz-C-Kid - If you are very upset (Which looking back at your posts I dont see a big reason to be) But its probley best to take a quick vacation. Every ones toes get stepped on some time or another.


"Kewl" isn't necessarily an Internet slang so to speak it's actually a way some young people prefer to talk .... "ya", "kewl", "skool", "cuz".....
Ok...I'm going to take a leap here...

I know that some things people say seem hurtful and I have seen some things here that probably hurt some feelings, but when you post you are opening up for discussion what ever you posted. I have been flamed for my ignorance and my beliefs, but I appreciate it. I for one, wouldn't know as much as I do now without someone telling me different. For example, one day I posted pics of my first driving day...guess what I learned. My set up isn't fit right. Did I cry and complain? Heck no, I took it to heart and looked for help. I know some people think that Lyn is too blunt, but quite frankly many times she says what the rest of us think. I can't ever remember seeing her say something because she is mean. She is well meant and yes, she has caught me on things more than a few times. I don't post as much, mostly because of time and because I like to read up on things, but these people on here mean well. Rabbit and I have argued colors and big deal, we are all friends in the end. Opinions and experience is what this group is about. I hate to see you take a break as it appears you have a lot to learn as do those of us who have been in the business for years.

If you feel that you need a break, than by all means. I sometimes feel I need a break from here but you know what I can never stay away.

Maybe if there is a feature on here where the person started the post can delete it when they feel its getting too heated or hurtful? Mary Lou???
Some other sites that i go to has one of those deleting buttons. I never really use it there, but here i would use to plenty of time i do beleive.

Dude...chill.....not sure what got your undies in a bundle...but no need to be a drama queen....just take a break if all of us "old farts" are getting to ya.......

I think some of you young'uns seem to not realize how many Mom's and Dad's frequent this forum......not to mention grandmum's....some of you youngsters might keep that in mind...before going off the deep end in slanguage
I do know what she is talking about that she thought was "kewl" and everyone flamed her for. She posted that she had just started jumping her horse and he was already up to 4' something on the first day. I know that several replies were rather harsh, but they were only worried about the horses health going that high. It seems as if some of our younger members take offense when someone scolds them. LoveCoco, I thought things have been going much better lately. I haven't seen any threads that were hard on you, but maybe I missed something too.
Voodoo said:
I do know what she is talking about that she thought was "kewl" and everyone flamed her for.  She posted that she had just started jumping her horse and he was already up to 4' something on the first day.  I know that several replies were rather harsh, but they were only worried about the horses health going that high.  It seems as if some of our younger members take offense when someone scolds them.  LoveCoco, I thought things have been going much better lately.  I haven't seen any threads that were hard on you, but maybe I missed something too.

That topic got very heated and IMO not fair
I dont think i will be leaving anytime soon, this site is just way to good for info and fun!. I do think though that sometime in the future i might have to though but we will wait and see...

All the moderators of the different forums have deleat buttons, if a topic gets too out of hand, we can use them at our own discression. I dont know exactly what you are referring to , but if you felt that things were getting heated, you could of very simply emailed one of the moderators and asked them to check into it, and possible deleat it,IF it was getting that out of hand! I have seen times when the new and young group post, if everyone doesnt seem to agree with what they say, they feel that they are getting flamed, not always true, we are all just stating our opinions on things, if we all agreed on everything this board would become dull pretty fast. Corinne
If the reason you were "flamed" is because you were jumping your horse 4 feet, then, sorry, but you deserve it. This is dangerous for the horse and for you. I'm guessing you are one of the youth members of this forum, and us "Oldies" are glad to have you (and the others
) but in my case I've seen lots of things happen because something was taken too far. Jumping, driving, even conditioning can be pushed too hard without the experience to know when to quit or to take a step back.

This is a free speech country and forum, and posting on here is a privilege that everybody can take advantage off, so be prepared to take the heat if you are caught in the kitchen!

While I'm on the soap box, I for one don't like to see the computer language used in some replies. We have a youth forum that can be used to talk computerese, although it's been posted that it's not always well received there either. Unfortunately when I see that, or a lot of misspelled words, I take a harsher view of what's being posted.

OK I'm done for now!
JMS Miniatures said:
Voodoo said:
I do know what she is talking about that she thought was "kewl" and everyone flamed her for.  She posted that she had just started jumping her horse and he was already up to 4' something on the first day.  I know that several replies were rather harsh, but they were only worried about the horses health going that high.  It seems as if some of our younger members take offense when someone scolds them.  LoveCoco, I thought things have been going much better lately.  I haven't seen any threads that were hard on you, but maybe I missed something too.

That topic got very heated and IMO not fair


Yes it did. I just went and looked at it again and was very suprised at the way things were going. I only looked at it in the beginning and all was well. Once I've looked at a thread just announcing a new arrival I don't go back very often so I didn't realize the different turn things had taken
I think the problem is there are some who feel if you dont agree with them or do it there way you are wrong, and no where near as experienced as them.

Of course not everyone will agree on things there are so many ways to do things that are right.

Some will say whatever you do dont jump a horse high and imply you are stupid yet those same (just using this as an example folks so no one get panties in a knot) will let there horses sit for a month and then drive them spending all the time trotting on the pavement l

This goes for everything from breeding horses without papers (as if some with them are better breeding material- NOT) what to feed, how to clip, how to show, what you MUST do to win blah blah blah and we are all guilty at times as we are passionate but sometimes we need to take a step back and realize that not every thread needs our advice no matter how wonderful we think it is. Especially those not asking for any and then when it is given.. to show some tact cause what you do, breed, show and think is right there is someone right around the corner who is just as convinced you are wrong
OkI knowIsaid Iwasnt coming toread it but some one told me Ihad better espond soI ambut I am not gettting angry because Iwas*scolded* I am open tonew imfoand help and critique but somepeoplejust decideto taKe ttofar.They treat us *Yungings*as u put it like idiots.And we arnt.
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I saw your thread about jumping but didn't go in and really read it. IMO, if the horse is of mature age and enjoys what its doing, there's no harm in seeing how high it will VOLUNTARILY go. However, I don't believe in pushing a horse where it could become "sour" to the activity either. I am assuming you know your horse well enough to see what I'm talking about.

Would you do me a favor, though? I'd really appreciate it if you would write your posts in basic English, so it's not so difficult to read. To be honest, my intial reaction to your posts (especially your second one) was to be annoyed because it was so difficult to read.

Thank you,


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