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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2004
Reaction score
Fort Collins Colorado
Ok, a little backround on the whole situation. I had been going out with this guy for 2 months, but it started going downhill and I broke up with him on Monday.

What I told him was that I was just too busy for a boyfriend. It was the honest truth.

I am finding out now from my friends HIS reason for breaking up with me.

Honestly, he was my first real boyfriend. I had never kissed anyone before him, and I was still a bit uncomfortable. One night when I was at his house, I knew what he was thinking, but I was too uncomfortable to do anything. Then he kinda lunged at me, and the only thing I could think to do was to roll onto the floor.

Anyways, there were several events partially like this.

When I broke up with him, he said he had been meaning to do it as well, but never gave me a reason why.

Turns out he had been talked to by my friends, and the reason he wanted to break up with me is because I wouldn't make out with him. Sorry man, but I am not some hussy and just grrr....

Are all guys this shallow? The only funny thing is that my friends Lea and Erik were talking with him in History class, and they chewed him out quite loudly in class for being such an idiot.

All in all, I feel a whole lot better about breaking up with him.

I just needed to vent somewhere. If the moderators feel the need to lock this up, go right ahead. I would prefer it doesnt though.
Hi Jamie~ I am sorry about that-But I cant help you-I have no time for a girl-freind, and I would rather spend time with my horses-then a girl freind-maybe when I am

But no-All guys arnt this shallow-cause I am not :)

If this was the boyfriend for you, you wouldn't have rolled on the floor to escape his advances, so it wasn't right in the first place. You listened to your instincts that said it was no good. That was smart.

I admire you very much for being a lady and using your head. Good for you!

These girls around here are just plain hussy's and those are the girls that turn my boy's stomach's. The boys always seem to like the ones that don't throw themselves at them. They like to do the pursuing. They really can't stand the ones that are always "after" them and act cheap.

My youngest, Little Dan, 16.....he refers to his girlfriend as "sweet, innocent and I plan to keep her that way"......Makes me proud. He's a piece of work and no angel, but atleast he's a gentleman that way.
Gage, you are such a sweetheart, the girl that eventually catches you will be a big winner!!!

And any guy that would dump you just for not making out, is worthless and no big loss! There are nice guys out there trust an old lady that has been there and back again.
Please define "making out" What pray, did he have in mind that you had to roll onto the floor to escape him???

Good GRIEF is he EVER lucky that neither Marty not I are your mother because, I can tell you, I would be going after him with a 2 x 4 right now!! I may only be little but gosh, you do NOT want to get me angry- you would not like me when I'm angry!!!!!!

Jamie, no, not all boys are like this.

Only jerks are like this.

Boys that act like this need to grow up, emotionally, a lot.

Boys are normally a long way behind girls in the emotional stakes, but do not like accepting it.

You just stick with your horses and your (obviously very good) - friends, the right boy will come and find you when he is ready.

Never, never do anything you are not 100% comfortable with, no boy worth his salt would ever ask, let alone expect you to.

Well done on the way you handled it, a lot calmer than me at your age.

He'd have been sporting a black eye if you had been me!!!
No, not all guys are like that, although I must say I have met more than my share of them (although I think that comes from the rodeo field that I am into). I don't date either, not enough time, I had a very bad breakup after three years, and I am really good friends with all the guys I know so dating would be uncomfortable. Heck the only difference in being really good friends and dating is the physical part, and the fact that you can only have one instead of many
. You'll find the right one, just be patient, you don't need a guy that tries to push himself onto you anyway. I know what would have happened if it had been me in that situation, hey a thought, maybe that's why no one wants to date me
LOL. Figure if they make the wrong move I'll clock 'em. Ok I'm off subject now, I really respect you for waiting and if he can't then it's definately his loss.
Teenage boys, or at least the ones I knew when I was a teenage girl, all have the same agenda. You don't need that in your life right now! You did the right thing. And, better he be telling others you don't make out than what he wishes he was telling them.
Oh Jamie, I am here for you! I have no advice, but you know I am always here for you to vent/talk too! You did the right thing, breaking up with him.
Hehe, thanks everyone.

Yea, I do have a pretty awesome group of friends, and I do actually wish I had given him a black eye.

Fizzy, if you really want me to explain "making out" I will PM you what it means, I just don't really want to put it on the public viewing part of the forum.

I agree, he wasn't the guy for me. Ever since we started going out - which by the way, he asked ME out.

Eh, he is out of my life. I think I handeled the situation better then most, and yes Marty, I agree that its sickening when girls throw themselves at guys. I won't even get started on the girls at my school. I don't see how their parents can let them out of the house dressed the way they do!

Yep, I got my horses. They give way better kisses anyways!
No, I did not ask for an explanation I asked for a definition!! It means too many things to too many people, and can be used to cover a wide variety of evils. I have, however, never actually heard a good definition!!
Good Goin Jamie!

Did this fool understand that his advances are truly an assault?

With your agility and muscles, the next yahoo who tries this with you will regret the mere thought of impropriety!

Sure glad you shared this with us, because I'm sure you helped someone to understand that this behavior is UNACCEPTABLE.

You're a true old hag like me would've picked up a blunt object and nailed the idiot.
Cindy - PLEASE - I am compelled to ask you - WHY do you keep refurring to your self as an "old hag?" You are nothing of the sort!
Stupid guys, i've only had 2 boyfriends before thank god.

I broke up with both of them, and they both did this same thing. I made it clear beforehand though that anything like that was not what i had planned. We didnt see each other much and when we did it was bowling and all that kind of stuff. Im not 100% comfy with all that stuff yet either ..dont feel bad. Just say Screw that guy, he is a jerk!


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