Good guesses guys and I wondered how many would guess appy, lol :lol: I was joking with a friend that he looked like a snow cap, had another thinking he was! All you that have known me for years know I don't breed for/own appys. :bgrin
He's actually a red roan, I think the pic is showing up darker on some moniters. He was born bright red but when you parted his hair you could see the roan from the very beginning.
I was actually hoping he was a silver bay roan but not possible, his daddy is a bright sorrel (Patsolics C Huskers Folly) and his mom is a smutty palomino roan (Grosshills Sugar Rum Cherry). (she's one STRANGE color!) The grand parents on top are a bright sorrel (Sids Husker) a palomino ( my mare Bond Facinating Folly) the grand parents on the bottom are a palomino (Dels Cowboy) and a red roan (Marys Sugar Red Lady=she's where the roan came from)
He's actually a dark sorrel and has a lot of black hairs in his tail with more coming in every year. I wouldn't be suprised if he also ends up with bend or and/or bird catcher spots at some point, they run in the sires lines. His sire also has a roaning patch on his neck that is about 3" by 6"/
Here's a picture of him about two weeks ago with more winter coat
He'll be pretty pink by the time he's done shedding. Oh, and he's Funkys cousin too.
And this is his baby 1/2 brother, finally a RED RED sorrel, I love this color.
Thanks, that was fun :bgrin
Oh and Marty don't feel bad guessing silver buckskin, I still swear it's in the water around here, we have them ranging from so light that they pass for a palomino to dark enough to almost look brown. Leo had a LOT to do with all of them running around here, lol!