Lori W
Well-Known Member
It's been a long couple of months, but our new 4 year old ASPC / AMHR 37.5" buckskin stallion, Gunner, is finally here! He came to us all the way from Vernon, British Columbia, to our farm here in southwest MI.
Our thanks to Sandy Frank of Silver Birch Miniatures and Shetlands for the opportunity to purchase Gunner, to Lori Guglielmo of Heart L Ranch in Deer Park, WA, for her invaluable assistance in so many ways, and to Sharrway Transport for bringing our boy safely to us over many, many miles!
It's amazing how the pictures we have of Gunner (used below with permission) - as beautiful as they are - don't do him justice. He is completely drop dead gorgeous in person! And what a little cuddle bug! From the first day here, he loved being scratch on his neck, shoulders and withers and would gently put his head right into us. Can you tell we're in love??
In 2013 we will continue Gunner's show career and work to complete Gunner's Hall of Fame in halter. He'll be shown again in Liberty and we will begin his driving training this fall. Next srping, we'll also introduce him to one or two experienced "ladies" to begin his second career as a breeding stallion.
So, here he is: SIlver Birchs DLBs Trouble Gunsmoke (AMHR) / LDB Double Troubles Gunsmoke (ASPC), a.k.a. Gunner....
Our thanks to Sandy Frank of Silver Birch Miniatures and Shetlands for the opportunity to purchase Gunner, to Lori Guglielmo of Heart L Ranch in Deer Park, WA, for her invaluable assistance in so many ways, and to Sharrway Transport for bringing our boy safely to us over many, many miles!
It's amazing how the pictures we have of Gunner (used below with permission) - as beautiful as they are - don't do him justice. He is completely drop dead gorgeous in person! And what a little cuddle bug! From the first day here, he loved being scratch on his neck, shoulders and withers and would gently put his head right into us. Can you tell we're in love??
In 2013 we will continue Gunner's show career and work to complete Gunner's Hall of Fame in halter. He'll be shown again in Liberty and we will begin his driving training this fall. Next srping, we'll also introduce him to one or two experienced "ladies" to begin his second career as a breeding stallion.
So, here he is: SIlver Birchs DLBs Trouble Gunsmoke (AMHR) / LDB Double Troubles Gunsmoke (ASPC), a.k.a. Gunner....