Had a Christmas OOppps today!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2003
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Every year hubby and I go to a local florist store that has a huge Christmas display. They have about twenty trees all decorated in different themes, the whole place is all done up and it is just gorgeous.
Unfortunately, also very expensive.
I have a friend that has worked there for years so we stop by, have a coffee, browse around, get ideas and admire all the expensive stuff. Mark occasionally buys me a gift from there but only if its something that I am right in love with.

Well...we arrive today, say hello and start browsing. We are in the store less than a minute and Mark sees something he likes and tries to look at the price tag. He knocks something else off of the shelf above and then tries to catch it, it goes up in the air, he tries again and the stupid thing comes flying at me so I try to catch it and miss and then try again and miss and smash!!!
It hits the floor and disintegrates into little pieces! Well...all except the price tag it is in perfect condition! My friend,Roberta was able to give us her employee discount on the item but it still cost us $45.00 for our little volleyball game!! So much for the free coffee and a browse around!!!
Oh my
if I don't know that feeling. Butter fingers all the way, right there and I just can't get ahold of it
. Hey now you have a $45 price tag to take home
Bink vollyball? (sp)

You have a nice price tag to hang on your tree! I'm sorry that happened to you.
Bink vollyball?
Yep, yep the Bink's played volley ball and frankly we sucked at it!! lol and no, I did not keep the price tag to take home but they did offer the broken angel to me, all million and one pieces!!!
Wow!! Poor Georgy! I bet he felt a little stupid

Sorry that happened too you guys...right around the best time too

Oh, thats too bad that she had to charge you. A lot of stores only make you pay if you are being a pain in the neck or if you let your children run around wild. I dropped something in a store a couple of years ago and I felt so bad but no matter how much I asked, they wouldn't let me pay.
A lot of stores only make you pay if you are being a pain in the neck or if you let your children run around wild.
The funny thing was there was a sign right near where we had the incident that read "you will be responsible for anything that your children break!" I did have to point it out to dear hubby!
Got glue gun?

Tell your friend to write this little poem in the store and post it:

Lovely to look at,

delightful to hold,

but if you break it,

we mark it sold!

Don't kill me for this, but....sounds like a little "warm up" for when those kids arrive!

Sorry about your 'accident'. And doubly sorry you had to pay for it. I've read, but never tested, that at least here in the US, a store cannot force you to pay for a broken item. That is why they carry insurance.

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