Well-Known Member
Well, all the years of riding bad colts finally caught up with me. I have been riding colts and older horses that buck since I was about 14. I broke my ankle about 5 years ago when a colt tried to jump the fence with me, but this is the first time I've really been hurt. I bought a really nice 5 year old Colonel Freckles mare a couple months ago and she really liked to buck. However, I have been putting alot of hours on her and she hasn't bucked for over three weeks. I've been roping on her every day and even hauled her to a couple small ropings. I guess I just started to trust her a little too much. Today it was kind of cold outside and I didn't warm her up as good as I should have, but she's been so good lately I thought it was enough. The first steer I roped was slow and she was good, but the second one ran a little more and she kind of shorted me out, so I just hung out a little and roped him. Well, I was stood way up over her right shoulder and she decided to buck, and she's flat rank. I've never been bucked off her before, but she's definately a rank handful when she bucks. Well, since I was already hung out when she started bucking I just never got back in the middle of her. My Dad was heeling and said I rode her about 8 seconds, but just couldn't catch up with the saddle. She finally bucked me off (she was spinning the whole time too) so when I hit the ground she stepped right on my kidneys with both front feet and then kicked me in the back of the head when she went over me. I got back on her and finished the round of steers so she didn't think she could get away with that, but right now I hurt all over. I'll be ok just sore for a while, but it just goes to show you that a horses pattern doesn't change quickly and you shouldn't trust too quickly. I got a hard lesson in that today and I can promise you I won't trust her for a LONG time to come. Here's a picture of my back when I came in the house just a few minutes ago. I have a $25,000 roping that I am entered in that is in three weeks so I had better be healed by then.