Well-Known Member
Exactly! The "halter dance" or "chicken dance"That is exactly the point -- why ask a horse to "show' off an on for the entire length of the class at all - sometimes as long as 45 minutes! Perhaps a rule change could be introduced to allow us to show our horses more like the Arabs (and several other breeds as well)! Bring your horse in the way we do now, except perhaps only have the horses come in and go to the rail and have the judges walk the rail for bite and then ONE by ONE bring the horse to the judges -- set it up ONCE for all to see - ask for the best out of that horse for 30 seconds and then trot off to get back in line. After the judges have seen each horse for then they can look over the line-up and place the class -- seems like to me that would give all the horses equal time to really shine! And we wouldn't look like morons out there doing the "halter dance" that we do now - horses would be a lot happier as well!

30-45 seconds is all a good horse needs to wow some one. At a national level it would take a little long but all the focus is on that one horse. All judges are looking at that one horse and taking notes, scoring, etc. So you wait for 45mins on the rail, it happens. I'd rather have that down time than a constant presentation. It gives you a chance to practice your set up too, so that you don't have to fret when you get in front of the judges. When the Scottsdale Arabian Show is broadcast by Iequine, watch their halter classes. Handlers practice their set up over and over on the rail so when they're in front of the judges it goes smooth and the horse looks their best. I guess I'm just a huge fan of this way of showing, it's always been so much less stressful