Lavern I totally get that you are upset. And a part of me understands. But if you feel that strongly then try to make a change. Get the AMHR studbook closed. Then the AMHR horses will also be "special" Because right now they are a height only registry not a breed.
I never agreed with Falabellas being able to hardship in and I never agreed that Shetlands should have to hardship to the very registry they created. But its out of my hands.
Heck it wasn't that many years ago any miniature horse could register AMHR. I still remember how upset people were when they closed it with only about 30 days notice.
For all any of us know they could close it a year from now. Who knows?
In this economy it was imo a smart decision to drop the fee. Its not like they weren't being hardshipped before the fee reduction. But for sure more will take advantage and hardship now and maybe they will get some members back.
And yes the assoc name as always been the American Shetland Pony Club. Why so many act like they didn't know this is astounding to me.
to be sure the Congress has a nice home from me.
I know you are surely joking. This was the first year that Congress had real center ring decorations since I started ten plus years ago. And it only got those because they upped the fees to match Nationals.
Now I voted against Tulsa for Congress and I think going to Tulsa the expenses will explode. But that is how the member vote went so for at least a year we will be at Tulsa.
Before anyone yells about the money Congress loses; it was never meant to make money. If they wanted it to it would. Nationals even with 1500 horses lost money just a couple years ago. Havent seen the numbers from this year. But I have always been told the National shows were the payback to the members whether they made money or not.