Okay, drivers, here is my former horse, Buckly, now Tereon (sp?). His new owners have come a long way with him! They have put him to recently and I am trying to help them tweak the harness--you know how new harnesses can be a challenge!
1. I think they need to adjust the cart so he is closer to the front of the cart. They plan to cut off the shafts; I suggested they move the cart first. It has adjustments; they have it in the middle adjustment so it can move some.
2. breeching too low and too tight. We raised the breeching a hole on each side and it looked much better. Straps to the footmans loops are on the longest holes but if they move the cart they will get some play.
3. back strap too long. They will have to punch more holes.
4.I have an issue with the breast strap over the water hook. What do you all think?
5. traces are going through the tugs. She saw this on a youtube harnessing video. I am not sure it is a good idea, but maybe it is a good thing?? I put mine through the breeching straps but I tried it on her set up and it didn't work right.
6. we lowered the blinders. The overcheck was pressing down on the wires, too, so we removed the overcheck and worked on getting the blinders away from his face. I think the overcheck straps go UNDER the browband; is that right?
7.I didn't get a closeup of the singletree. It has an attachment setup I am not familiar with. I will try for a picture of it next time. They are improvising.
I've been driving a while, but don't have experience with various carts and harnesses. They plan to order a breast pad. I think the cart is a little large for him, but he seemed okay working with it. One hates to overwhelm new drivers with criticism or too many "you shoulds". We've all started somewhere and tweaked many a harness along the way.
1. I think they need to adjust the cart so he is closer to the front of the cart. They plan to cut off the shafts; I suggested they move the cart first. It has adjustments; they have it in the middle adjustment so it can move some.
2. breeching too low and too tight. We raised the breeching a hole on each side and it looked much better. Straps to the footmans loops are on the longest holes but if they move the cart they will get some play.
3. back strap too long. They will have to punch more holes.

4.I have an issue with the breast strap over the water hook. What do you all think?
5. traces are going through the tugs. She saw this on a youtube harnessing video. I am not sure it is a good idea, but maybe it is a good thing?? I put mine through the breeching straps but I tried it on her set up and it didn't work right.
6. we lowered the blinders. The overcheck was pressing down on the wires, too, so we removed the overcheck and worked on getting the blinders away from his face. I think the overcheck straps go UNDER the browband; is that right?
7.I didn't get a closeup of the singletree. It has an attachment setup I am not familiar with. I will try for a picture of it next time. They are improvising.
I've been driving a while, but don't have experience with various carts and harnesses. They plan to order a breast pad. I think the cart is a little large for him, but he seemed okay working with it. One hates to overwhelm new drivers with criticism or too many "you shoulds". We've all started somewhere and tweaked many a harness along the way.