Wish I could put a tree up, but with 8 cats/ think they are kids/ we cannot put one up. We raised/ bottle fed these kids and they think they are human, so no luck with a tree. Daisy chases the blinky light tips round and round and up the tree, Buttercup and Patches climb the tree so they can jump out and pounce on someone going by, ****oo likes electricity so he wants to chew the wires, Roscoe knocks the ornaments off and plays soccer with them all over the house, Meester starts meowing/ screaming/ tattle telling that somebody is messing with the tree. PopTart chews on the tree, I hate cleaning the kitty litter after that. AND FINALLY- Smokey is the only good one, he just wants to lay under the tree and enjoy it.So we have stockings for all 8 cats but we have to hang them from the ceiling, ha ha ha ha
This is a picture of Smokey last year. I had to take it because it looks like he just ate Santa Clause!!!!! and has a OH YEAH, THAT WAS GOOD look on his face.