Glad it worked out! Whew!!! :aktion033:
It is not my intention to offend anybody here, and I tried so hard to sit on my hands, but I
just can't.
Please people, buy your puppies from a reputable breeder with a good reputation and
references! You don't need to use these puppy selling sites..your risk of getting ripped
off is ridiculous. Sure, many of the breeders are legit, but I question why they need to use
sites like this to find homes. In some cases you may even be supporting puppy mills without
even knowing it. People can say anything over the phone!
Yes, we have bought puppies from out of State, but having shown dogs for 30 years we
at least have the luxury of either knowing the breeder firsthand or being able to check
with several others in our breed that do know them personally.
If you are interested in a certain breed, get a list of reputable breeders from the AKC. They
should be able to at least direct you to a local AKC breed club that can assist you in finding
a good breeder in your own area. Not that you can't still get ripped off, but your chances are
much less. And you can see how the puppies are kept, demand to see health testing papers
on the parents, etc. (every breed has their own set of problems they should be tested for before
they are considered for breeding - if they tell you the problem is not in their line...go elsewhere).
Most breeders I know won't even place a puppy without a home check.
If they don't require references from the buyer, and just take them at their word, that makes
me uneasy. You would not believe the stories that we and others have been told by prospective
homes that turn out to be untrue. It works both ways.
Again, I am
so happy for you and all the others that this method of buying (or selling) puppies has worked out for!! But like anything else, it's Buyer - and Seller - Beware...please be careful!
And enjoy that baby when it arrives!