Has anyone had a bone marrow biopsy done?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2002
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I have been sick for the past six months for the most part and my blood test results keep getting crazier and more confusing so my doctor has referred me to a hematologist/oncologist for further testing and has told me that I need to adjust to the idea of having a bone marrow sample taken next week. I am not worried about cancers because my white count is in the normal range, but I am really scared about the biopsy. I am scared to death of needles and have been a continual pin cusion for the last three months as it is...the idea of them taking an apple corer to my hip or sternum makes me physicaly ill. Between the marrow and a possible liver biopsy...I am just plain done. I really need to prepare myself and the plain factual info on the site my doctor sent me to (to tell exactly what they do) did not make me feel any better at all. Has anyone had this done that can share their experience?


Amy, I have not ever had this done but I want to let you know you're in my thoughts and prayers!
Hi Amy, I have heard they can be very painful
, but if it will help find out what is wrong, then bite that upper lip maybe they give you a local when you get it done.

I had cortizone shots in my feet 3 times this past year and they take a long needle and put it right in the muscle. It hurt like heck!!#($*# and I cried, but it helped. My sister-inlaw has to have a liver biopsy done on wednesday, she, like you is scared of needles but I guess all I can tell you is that you are in my thoughts and prayers!!



They should sedate you prior to doing it. When I had mine done all I felt

was pressure. They've come a long way in new techniques and any and

all pain control. Trusting in your doctor goes along way. I was also given

an anti-anxiety pill to take prior to going to the hospital for the test.

My thoughts and prayers will be with you..
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My daughter had them done while she was undergoing treatments.....I was present for 2 of the probably 3 they did....

They sedated her very well she was awake but didn't act like it hurt.....I think it bothered me more watching it than it did her.

She has little tiny scars from where they did it.....

Hang in there!

We will be praying for you!
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Thanks everyone. I think I can handle this (I am going to repeat the little engine that could's motto, "I think I can, I think I can) and I thank you so much. I know we have to find out what is going on exactly and why but oh man am I being a baby about more testing. I feel better hearing from those who have been there and for having your support. Thank you so much! I am quite sure the fear is the worst part....and the hardest part to conquer. I just had laproscopic surgery two months ago to take out a cyst and some other stuff, so this should be a cakewalk...right?

Hang in there Amy, I'm old and I've had so much done. I know it gets scary and tiresome!

One thing is thinking about it sometimes can really be worse than it turns out to be. With modern technology I know they will do all they can to keep you away from any pain. I had a piller of bone removed from my hip and put in my neck once, major deal, and that jurt over night to walk on but next day even was only achy,. That was grade 2 neurosurgery.!

Hang in there darlin, it will go fine
Geesh, I wish my doctor would give me a sedative before my bone marrow biopsies. I had 3 last year and expect another one in Feb. I hate them.

Please let us know how it goes. I've got a platelet count of a million that won't go down which is why I get the biopsies. They usually just tell me that day...."Well Kristie, we'll need another sample today." I don't get any warning!
WOW, Amy, sooo sorry to hear you have even more midical "crap" to go through.
I'm praying they find the cause of all your problems and can fix you fast & easy. I'm certain YOU do, too!
Hang in there & update us
I never had one done, but I just wanted to let you know I'll be thinking of you and saying a prayer for you!
fourhorses said:
Geesh, I wish my doctor would give me a sedative before my bone marrow biopsies.  I had 3 last year and expect another one in Feb.  I hate them.

Insist on sedation and anesthetic, it's your right! In this day and age no one should have to endure pain during any medical procedure.
[SIZE=14pt]My twin brother has had this done every year for almost three years. He has a rare blood disease, so they do this to make sure he does not have lukemia.(sp?)[/SIZE]

My brother has said it is a fairly easy thing, and he recommends having the doctors put you to sleep.

I wish you luck!
thanks everyone. I have apt. next week and the biopsy is scheduled for Jan 24th. I am going to try to relax and just not think about it as much as possible. My doc says I have a hemolytic anemia (not too extreme though) and they want to find out why. I am not amused, but am ready to find an answer and get to feeling better!


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