has anyone seen this before?

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Jul 30, 2009
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My mare is due any day and is definitly ready to go I noticed yesterday that just inside her vagina there is a whitish coloured sac about the size of a dollar. She isn't in labour and I'm new to this industry. Do mares have mucous plugs like humans? Whats your take on it? Thanks...waiting.
Mares do have mucus plugs as I have heard people talk about that; however, I am not sure if that's what you saw or not.
Horses absolutely have mucous plugs. If that is what you saw it should not stick around long, it should be discharged out of her vagina with in a few hours. If it is the plug you have from 0hours to 10 days to foaling. Mine foaled 5 days after shedding her plug this year.

Good luck and I hope that is what it is. If it stays around, you might want to get a vet to look at it.
At least it wasnt pink bubble gum lol we have a mare here who when she went into labor had a small sack that would show with every contraction that looked exactly like a wad of pink bubble gum before labor it wasnt visible. However my thought is that what you saw could be the same thing as my vet told me it can be white as well it could be a vaginal cyst. When our mare gave birth the cyst burst and it has never come back but they do get them. It is just one possibility.
At least it wasnt pink bubble gum lol we have a mare here who when she went into labor had a small sack that would show with every contraction that looked exactly like a wad of pink bubble gum before labor it wasnt visible. However my thought is that what you saw could be the same thing as my vet told me it can be white as well it could be a vaginal cyst. When our mare gave birth the cyst burst and it has never come back but they do get them. It is just one possibility.
You know.... now that you say that, thats exactly what it looked like. I'm glad I saw it maybe she will need a round of antibiotics after junior is is born. I'll call the vet tomorrow...Thanks

There is something called a vaginal polyp, and that looks an awful lot like what you described. I had a mare that had one, and it scared me so bad I can't even tell you. I thought she was prolapsing her uterus. Got to the vets and they told me what it really was. They did a very simple surgical procedure to remove it, and that was that.

Good luck and let us know what you find out!
I have a mare that has a vaginal cyst according to my vet. It looks very similar to the white bubble that appears as a mare is giving birth, but it is pink and it always appears for the week of her heat cycle. My vet said that she is fine and can be bred, but I have been very hesitant to try breeding her. I also worry about the possibility of infections from this being exposed to outside contaminates, and with her having troubles breeding or foaling.

I can't find any information about this on the internet, so anyone elses experiences with this would be really appreciated!

(I'd be very interested in hearing about the simple surgery that ClickMini mentioned, because my vet said that it couldn't be removed because it was to small of an area to try to access, but that she could be partially stitched shut to keep it from coming out.)
I think Vets may use polyp and cyst for the same problem.

I had a mare that had one, and yes, it was scary.

I never did anything about it except keep a close eye, and in the end it disappeared on it's own, but it was there a number of years.

One of my young mare, the other mares niece, now has one, and I am ignoring it (again, apart form keeping an eye on it)
One of my mares had one this year and it never posed any problems when she gave birth or afterwards. Good luck!!!
For my mare the vet said that after birth it would go away so all we did was keep and eye out and sure enough it did but yes it was scary especially when you have the vet on the phone and are describing something that looks like pink bubble gum during labor. He kept asking was I sure it wasnt red and nope not red.he teases me to this day about my mare with the pink bubble gum.
I spoke to the vet today and he said that he didn't want to poke around while she is so close. But that if it is still there after the birth he will check her out.

Cysts he said are quite common and will usually correct itself. It shouldn't affect the birth at all.

Thanks to everyone who commented......what a great forum.


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