Have to ask your honest opinion...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2004
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outside Edmonton
I just love the pictures i've seen of Modern Shetlands, though I have yet to meet one in real life. What are your honest opinions on their temperment. Of course every horse is different but what is the general temperment.
they have a LOT of energy and they are VERY smart.

Like any horse breed, temperament will vary by the individual, depending on how you raise and handle them. But generally they have a "hotter" temperament.

I find them similar to a TB or Arab... very intelligent but a super work ethic with energy means you have to give them an outlet. They are sort of like border collies!

Ok thanks Andrea. I figured that was how they were but I wanted to ask someone who actually knew the truth. I personally think that they are amazing. I drool every time I see a picture of one driving...lol. I just wish there was someone close to me that bred them so I could see one for real. Thanks.

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