Dr. Pam
Well-Known Member
There could not have been a prettier fall weekend for 46 horses (OK, more if you count the pairs) and their enthusiastic drivers. Lots of newcomers and new horses, great organization, tons of fabulous volunteers, good food and a chance to do all of this with my daughter.
We had our horses with Bethany Franke for a month of conditioning so they would be ready for Spooker and fit for the 7.2 km marathon the following weekend. Sunny (SR Desert Sun) and Lance (Erica's Gimmie Another Glance) did great! We both had problems coming in on time though--we both had to walk the last 500m and even then I was 3 sec too fast (I HAVE to get better at working a stopwatch!!) I had been told by two different TD's that my mare Sunny was no longer "welcome" at Training level--she needed to move up to Prelim. Sadly, my brain is NOT ready for Prelim; I have a hard time remembering three gates!! So, Patty took Sunny Prelim and I took her best friend Lance for his first ADS outing.
Lance is National Champion Halter and Country Pleasure driving horse, but literally had a nervous breakdown after being professionally trained. Patty tearfully told me she would happily give back her ribbons to have her boy back. We found a wonderful person to work with him and get his confidence and trust back--I was so afraid he'd never drive again. No more check rein, no martingales. He still has a ways to go, but he has a future now. We has one big bobble in dressage--when I gave him a loose rein for the free walk he paniced at first, then settled down. He shied slightly at Cone 8 (next to the judges tent) and took down a ball, but was clean on the rest of the course. Then there was my 3 sec oops on Marathon. We finished 2nd at Training Level VSE--I couldn't be more proud of him!
Patty and Sunny were alone in Prelim VSE, but they did great. Patty wasn't happy with their dressage test--it's really hard to do smoothly in a 20m X 40m arena. They spent a lot of time argueing! Funny--one judge gave them a 52, the other one gave them a 71
Reminded me a lot of the show last weekend--1st place and the gate. Sunny made it up to Pat in cones. I tell everyone who drives her NOT to try to steer her on course--aim her to the next set and she lines herself up. And DON"T look down as you go through! They were amazing to watch--clean course and fastest time of the day. They turned around on Sun and had a perfect go on the marathon course, including the water hazard.
So, here's a few pics. I bought a disc with both of us on it, but Patty's pictures won't come up, so they are sending another one.
edited to add: these pictures were done by Digital Express (Tim and Stacy Branam), my very favorite photographers. They have been at almost every Carriage event we've gone to down here, and you get a CD of all the pictures they took of you over the weeekend--80-100--for $50. They waive all copyright claims; you can reproduce or use them for websites and ads--all they want is for you to give them credit. They burn the CD for you at the end of the weekend--no waiting. Thank you guys--you rock!
I used my Houghton with the boot off and a combination of 2 Ozark harnesses for Dressage and Cones, and a Frontier Easy Entry with Chimicum's Sport Harness for Marathon
We had our horses with Bethany Franke for a month of conditioning so they would be ready for Spooker and fit for the 7.2 km marathon the following weekend. Sunny (SR Desert Sun) and Lance (Erica's Gimmie Another Glance) did great! We both had problems coming in on time though--we both had to walk the last 500m and even then I was 3 sec too fast (I HAVE to get better at working a stopwatch!!) I had been told by two different TD's that my mare Sunny was no longer "welcome" at Training level--she needed to move up to Prelim. Sadly, my brain is NOT ready for Prelim; I have a hard time remembering three gates!! So, Patty took Sunny Prelim and I took her best friend Lance for his first ADS outing.
Lance is National Champion Halter and Country Pleasure driving horse, but literally had a nervous breakdown after being professionally trained. Patty tearfully told me she would happily give back her ribbons to have her boy back. We found a wonderful person to work with him and get his confidence and trust back--I was so afraid he'd never drive again. No more check rein, no martingales. He still has a ways to go, but he has a future now. We has one big bobble in dressage--when I gave him a loose rein for the free walk he paniced at first, then settled down. He shied slightly at Cone 8 (next to the judges tent) and took down a ball, but was clean on the rest of the course. Then there was my 3 sec oops on Marathon. We finished 2nd at Training Level VSE--I couldn't be more proud of him!
Patty and Sunny were alone in Prelim VSE, but they did great. Patty wasn't happy with their dressage test--it's really hard to do smoothly in a 20m X 40m arena. They spent a lot of time argueing! Funny--one judge gave them a 52, the other one gave them a 71

So, here's a few pics. I bought a disc with both of us on it, but Patty's pictures won't come up, so they are sending another one.
edited to add: these pictures were done by Digital Express (Tim and Stacy Branam), my very favorite photographers. They have been at almost every Carriage event we've gone to down here, and you get a CD of all the pictures they took of you over the weeekend--80-100--for $50. They waive all copyright claims; you can reproduce or use them for websites and ads--all they want is for you to give them credit. They burn the CD for you at the end of the weekend--no waiting. Thank you guys--you rock!

I used my Houghton with the boot off and a combination of 2 Ozark harnesses for Dressage and Cones, and a Frontier Easy Entry with Chimicum's Sport Harness for Marathon
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