Hawk was gelded this morning

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Sarah's Little Blessings.........I'm so glad to hear he is awake and up. He will do find now.

Rhonda-Lynne, I'm so sorry you lost your colt in this manner. That is so hard to understand why it had to happen. And it has to be so hard on your daughter. my prayers for all of you.

Joyce L
Phew! I am happy to read the update! Sounds like he's going to be okay and going to have a happier life from now on because of the choice you made for him
I am so Glad he is Doing Better! :bgrin

I had the same Problem (not really)

my MFT Mare Sliced her Foot Open (Blood was coming out like a focet)

my vet was here in 5 Minuetes Saved her life

had to knock her out to fix her foot

She took well over an hour to get back up on her feet

The Good news is she made it

and She was awared the Laziest Horse in the Past 6 Months from my vet lol
I'm so relieved to hear he is doing better!!!
Ok! New update, well today on his own, he is playing!!! Trotting the fence line, and even seen a small kick, I did notice he was slightly swollen(the vet said just to watch it, but now something else I'll worry about all night :eek: ) Anyways he's had his painkiller shot, and feels good now, so by tommorrow I am hoping the swelling will go down, its not HUGE, but kindof a shock when I checked him out this afternoon :new_shocked: , oh well, thanks so much for your prayers forum!!! Couldn't have done it without you, I hope when we hold another gelding party,(whether its 1, or /??) its less eventful!!!!


Ok! New update, well today on his own, he is playing!!! Trotting the fence line, and even seen a small kick, I did notice he was slightly swollen(the vet said just to watch it, but now something else I'll worry about all night :eek: ) Anyways he's had his painkiller shot, and feels good now, so by tommorrow I am hoping the swelling will go down, its not HUGE, but kindof a shock when I checked him out this afternoon :new_shocked: , oh well, thanks so much for your prayers forum!!! Couldn't have done it without you, I hope when we hold another gelding party,(whether its 1, or /??) its less eventful!!!!


YAY!!! I've thought of him several times today and wondered how he was doing. Glad to hear he is feeling better and you can relax a little.

Now, just be warned, my gelding didn't stop swelling until the third day. He had most of the swelling by the second day but it was bigger and tighter feeling the third day. So be prepared that it might be even puffier tomorrow. My vet said as long as it didn't feel feverish and wasn't interfering with his urination it should be fine but said if the swelling concerned me to feel free to give her a call. The swelling wasn't gone until about a week later. Though I know some people who have had theirs gelded and the swelling had gone down by day three.
If he would let you it would be good to spray some water on it or wipe with a wet cloth. Slightly cool water would probably feel good and help take the swelling down some. I'm really glad he is OK. You just gotta feel sorry for the poor babies.
If he would let you it would be good to spray some water on it or wipe with a wet cloth. Slightly cool water would probably feel good and help take the swelling down some. I'm really glad he is OK. You just gotta feel sorry for the poor babies.

Yeah that is one of the things I am going to tomorrow very easy, and gentle,----- so far it(swelling) hasn't interfered(but I still do not want him to be really swollen),(AND PRAISE GOD!!) but I get worried,about everything, I guess you have to.... I'll let everyone know tommorrow what he's doing...thanks again everyone!
Just remember to check and make sure he is draining if he is swollen. Of course some swelling is normal but Iknow I had one that was not draining on half of one side if that makes sense and we had to open it back up again (just with my finger) ICK and EWWW then rinsed it and it drained again and all was ok
I'm glad to know he is doing so well! Yes, I know what you mean about the swelling. The first two colts I had gelded swelled a lot and I was scared. The vet told me it was just normal swelling though since they could still urinate and everything. Fortunately, the other four I've had done since then never got quite so swollen. In fact, the last one hardly swelled at all.
Whew! Glad he's finally coming out of it! That was scary! :new_shocked:
When we had Bacardi gelded, he did have some tight swelling even though I was exercising him daily. What we had to do was apply hot/warm compresses with epsom salts 2x a day. He was also on banamine and a diuretic (sp?). But he was fine after some TLC and of course, he's got a happier life as a gelding (love that boy!).
I hope he's doing much-much better today. Poor lil man...

I have had to do as Lisa mentioned...when the insicision closed and wouldn't drain...yup...yuck!!!

I am thinking that your guy will be more swollen than most, as he was down and not moving for that first day. I keep mine on stall rest for the first 24 hours, but they are still mobile in their stalls. then they go out to play with the others, as long as it doesn't get too rowdy. If your little guy longes, it might be a good idea to make him trot around some...that helps with the swelling too.
Hope he's 100% soon. My geldings all had some amount of swelling, but by the third or fourth day, it was all gone.

Best wishes, glad he's better,

Liz M.
Glad to see your guy is back on his feet and conscious again - I've had both ends of the spectrum as far as reactions, though none as extreme as yours. It is always nerve-wracking when they don't wake up on schedule. I had two boys gelded together a couple of years ago, one a 35" mature strapping stallion who was out like a light with one dose, and the other a 2 year old 27" colt who took a double dose and still fought the drugs. You just never know how they will react.

Hey, well he is still feeling frisky today, but the swelling has got worse, this morning I hosed him (Very gently) for around 20 mins, now he has gotten HUGE(this afternoon) :new_shocked: vet said he couldn't come out today, as he is out of town, but to keep watching him, I hate this watching game :-( This is day 2 though, so JUST MAYBE he'll be better in 1-2 days with the hosing, and yes I did long-line him for a little while, he trots just fine,, just I can't get over this swelling!!! I'm scared he's going to bust, any ideas? :new_shocked:

Edited to add: Lisa,yeah thats what I am worried about, vet said that may be a possibility, and said it will be an EWW experience for me and Hawk both,, so lets hope not.
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Hey, well he is still feeling frisky today, but the swelling has got worse, this morning I hosed him (Very gently) for around 20 mins, now he has gotten HUGE(this afternoon) :new_shocked: vet said he couldn't come out today, as he is out of town, but to keep watching him, I hate this watching game :-( This is day 2 though, so JUST MAYBE he'll be better in 1-2 days with the hosing, and yes I did long-line him for a little while, he trots just fine,, just I can't get over this swelling!!! I'm scared he's going to bust, any ideas? :new_shocked:
Sounds like he is doing what my colt did. ((hug)) hang in there, it will probably be starting to go down some tomorrow (maybe not a lot, but some). If not hopefully you can get your vet out there to take a look. My colts swelling actually went up onto his belly.
: And it felt pretty tight, which gave me some worries. But I kept him moving around a couple of times a day and that really seemed to make a difference. If it is still swelling tomorrow I would definitely get a vet out even if I had to call someone other than my normal vet.
Hey! Well I am giving the lastest and probley last ( :bgrin ) update!!! Hawk is doing much better!!! His swollen has finnally gone down, incept for just a little bit, but he is having the time of his life!! Vet came out to look, and said he will be fine now! So YIPPIE!!! Oh, and about 3 more weeks, and then the vet said he'll be ready to go out with the herd :) I can't wait, I bet he'll be so happy!!!!

Thanks for all the support!!!! :) :aktion033: :saludando:

Oh, and does 3 weeks sound short to ya'll? I thought I'd keep him up 6 weeks just to make sure, although, in around another week, I'll let him go with my other gelding Cochise,, maybe they'll get along now.

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