Well-Known Member
Northern NY: First cutting; $2.00. Second cutting; $2.50. This second cutting is super hay loaded with alfalfa and clover!
Riverdance I love that baby in your avatar!!!
OMG I WISH $20 YIKES! ITs $65 for crappy Coastal!Are you saying you paid too much? Or, you got a great deal on the rounds? Just trying to clarify. I'd love to find some bales that sound like that, if they are really nice bales.I have twenty 700-800 pound round bales put away that are timathy, alfalfa, orchard grass and a general mix....i paid $20 per round bale, nearly high way robbery if you ask me !
Hey, Riverdance, we're in Farmington -WI. But we drive 90 miles north to buy good hay. Get small squares (40-50 lb) for $3.50 second cutting of brome 30-50% alfalfa. It's good; stay green all winter. I liked last years third cutting better but as mentioned the weather didn't cooperate around here for a 3rd cutting this year. Yes, there are farmers nearer that bale but it's for cattle and not nice for the minis. Peggy, my sis lives in Ks. and she loved the brome so much that I now drive total 180 miles to get a years supply.