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I just got some nice grass (brome mostly) hay hauled in yesterday--these are honestly 70 pound bales, and I paid $3/bale, delivery included. That's the best deal I've found in awhile....it's all good hay too, no spoilage, which is something compared to what we've been getting...
I pay around $5.00 a bale for grass hay and have done for the past three years BUT for that he brings it in loads of any number, when I ask, all through he Winter and puts it wherever I want it, including actually getting it in the right place out by the broodmares and tarping it down. So I reckon I get good value for my money.
We got beautiful 4th cutting grass/alfalfa hay this year (very fine and tender!) for $2.50 a bale -- this is DELIVERED and the person helps us stack it in the barn! We have another 1000 bales of hay sitting in HIS barn that he will deliver as needed for the same price. Not all is as nice as this 4th cutting hay (400 bales of that) but it is always top quality no rain alfalfa/timothy hay. i consider us very lucky! this is the same price as last year. 2nd & 3rd cutting hay were non-existant this year due to the very very dry weather.

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We get our hay from the same guy Bill does and ours went up by a .25 cents we now are paying 2.25 instead of 2.00, but Bill get his out of the field. I can never get my guys all together to get it out of the field so I get mine out of the barn. I love paying that kind of price when we were in NC we coulnd't get it for less than $4.00+ a bale and that was out of the field there. We have to get some more from our hay guy here soon.
I never complain about hay prices here in ID... here I am paying between 90-120 a ton last year late winter when i ran out actually it was this year early spring i paid 150 a ton for barn stored hay 2nd cutting. That was just to get me thru

but in So Cal I paid 8 bucks for a bale of alfalfa (3 string bales) and 20+ for 1 bale of grass hay.

Granted it was some of the best hay and I have had a hard time finding the same quality hay here (guessmost of it goes out to CA
) but compared to that.. 90 100 bucks seems CHEAP
susanne said:
We buy really nice local grass hay for 2.50 a bale, delivered. Thank goodness for Daryl -- he stores our hay and his in his barn, and we get a few bales at a time, since we have very limited hay storage. I'll probably supplement this with some orchard grass hay, but this is great stuff -- soft with no big stems and no weeds. The horses love it, but if they hear about the stuff Shari bought, they're going to want to go there for dinner!
Sherri, when we lived in town we bought from a guy in Molalla, and he too had very nice grass hay at about 2.50-3.00 per bale, and he didn't mind small purchases.



Who do you get you local grass hay from?

Reason I asked, watching the hay person do the hay fields across the road, I wasn't impressed. Barely gave the hay a day to cure and then baled it!!! I sure do not want to buy the stuff that was hayed around here after seeing that. Pretty course stuff.

We hope to be able to hay our fields next year.. and will do it right!!

Ya, the hay I bought is super nice, green and very fine in texture. But at 13.38 per bale. Sigh ~~

Luckly I do not have to feed hay that often.
We have a really nice quality Orchard Grass hay here in Central Oregon and lots of folks hay their fields around here (at least that's what my allergies tell me).
It runs anywhere from $100-120/ton and it is good quality. We have our favorite farmers we buy from because the quality may be a tad better but all in all it is good stuff. We prepay the farmer for the hay and they will store it for us so we can pick it up as needed.
WOW that is a great deal! It was cheaper earlier but I just didn't have the money then.
It seems to have really went up the last couple years. As I used to always get it for about $60- $65 a ton during haying season. Course now there are not many ads in the paper and not any good deals like there was a couple months ago. Do you know the guy you used to get it from here in Molalla? I would love his number if he is still doing it!



susanne said:
We buy really nice local grass hay for 2.50 a bale, delivered. Thank goodness for Daryl -- he stores our hay and his in his barn, and we get a few bales at a time, since we have very limited hay storage. I'll probably supplement this with some orchard grass hay, but this is great stuff -- soft with no big stems and no weeds. The horses love it, but if they hear about the stuff Shari bought, they're going to want to go there for dinner!
Sherri, when we lived in town we bought from a guy in Molalla, and he too had very nice grass hay at about 2.50-3.00 per bale, and he didn't mind small purchases.


We have an abundance of hay here in Ontario and this year is no exception. The first year we moved to where we are living now we ordered 600 square bales that were $3.00 a bale. What a pain in the behind to put that up for the winter so the following year I was MUCH smarter, I told the guy instead of giving me his hay in small 45-55 lb square bales to give it to me in 600 lbs round bales ($30 each). MUCH MUCH easier to deal with in storing, MUCH MUCH easier feeding outside. I know many of you are against feeding round bales but for the life of me I can't understand why. It's the same hay you get from your supplier but just in a LARGER quantity and it's very easy for the minis to just unroll a good quantity and put in their feeder. Because of the amount of hay I need for my full size horses and minis I would rather let the tractor do the work of storing the bales then trying to store 600 bales via a comveyor belt. Oh and never never never do what I did the first year, lol, don't wear shorts and DO WEAR gloves when stacking hay. I looked like I had gone through barbwire fence
We had a bumper crop on hay in the area this year and we always get the real big 1100 pound round bales. We keep 23 in the barn and 21 outside ready to have feeders put on for the outside mares for free choice stallions l hand feed from the rounds in the barn and it's just as easy as the flakes to do except on very windy days it can fly around more but they find it regardless. A big round this year with the farmers hike in gas and delievered was 32 a bale. The rounds are the same hay as the squares but in this area few farmers bale square and l don't notice more waste on a round compared to a square but if putting them inside you do need the space with walkways between each so you can unwind the stuff.
Weeellll, when that "beautiful Oregon orchard grass" gets to VA, it costs $360-$380 a Ton.

I'm trying hard to swallow hard enough to pay up and get the stuff in for the winter.......also some NY state mixed grass hay comes in and that was running about $320 a ton, last year. We'll see what that is gonna be this year.

It's REALLY expensive on the East Coast.
Bess Kelly said:
Weeellll,  when that "beautiful Oregon orchard grass" gets to VA, it costs $360-$380 a Ton.   

I'm trying hard to swallow hard enough to pay up and get the stuff in for the winter.......also some NY state mixed grass hay comes in and that was running about $320 a ton, last year.  We'll see what that is gonna be this year. 

It's REALLY expensive on the East Coast.


Wowsers..have to tried to look here??

Going price around here towards Pittsburgh Pa is 3.00/bale first cutting. We have our own farm 72 acres plus we do an additional 40 acres beside us and we do our own hay and when we have extra square bales we sell them for $1.00 out of the field and it is clover, alfalfa, timothy and orchard grass mixture.

We usually put up 800 bales for ourself and then the rest goes into round bales (400 bales +) for our herd of Texas Longhorns that we raise all natural, no chemicals, lean and low cholestrol home grown beef, yummy.

Christine, we paid 50 cents more per bale this year than last but the bales were delivered and stacked in the shed. They were $3.75 for a 50 lb bale of farmer hay.
Littlesteppers....thanks. I did email 2 of them. Issues with such listings is the quality of the hay I receive @ delivery if I have NOT seen it
I will not buy many cuts of timothy as they like to let it mature too much for me and it is then coarse -- big horse ok, mini not ok. Often orchard on East Coast dries so brown it looks bad to start....not good. I don't use full alfalfa and if mixed, want only young stuff for small stem.......and WHAT
was it mixed with.

And, I cannot use rolls. No transport, storage, ability to handle easily. Plus, to transport about 6-8 ton is quite a job -- then there's unloading.

OK, ok, ok......I'm very picky. But if I pay prime then I want prime. Even if I pay less, I want excellent. For me, seeing is the way to select hay since I know what kind of "crap" can be passed off around here. Let me tell you, when I pay a couple of thousand for winter hay, I don't want to have to burn it.

You know, HAY is really an issue in many, many ways

Here's the real deal, I own a 28' box trailer, all road worthy -- my friend has a Kenworth that he thought he'd retire but just put back onto the road -- I'm trying to get him to drive North and haul a load back for us to share! Hmmmm.
For me its $2.50 FOR STRAW and $3.50 FOR HAY!!!I buy per bale (dont have storage)
For 3 wire bales it runs:

Alfalfa $12.50 a bale

Timothy $17.50 a bale

That was before the gas went up. I don't know what it is now.

I paid $7.25 a bale this year delivered. I checked around and all the good hay is about that price. I just put up 125 bales for the winter. It's the cleanest, greenest grass hay around here that I have been able to find. It's also baled with small flakes that are just right for a mini.


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