HC Minis - new pics pg 172

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Baybe and Delilah are really dragging this out! I hope my mares haven't found out about this "hold onto your foal" contest
I'm going to whisper it in their ears, Hazel and I, shouldn't be the only ones going through this.
No real changes today, perhaps just a little fuller in front of her udder. Its just so low to take a look at, its difficult.
Ok, so i took a chance, and risked getting my head kicked in... I managed to get a tiny sample of Baybe's milk to test, the Foal Time strips say 6.8 or 7. I spent more time trying to catch her than it took to get a sample and test; I hate having to corner her, but that's the only way to get it done. [i have no idea how I"m going to get her out to pasture and back if I can't catch her in the barn, easily.]
Her udder looked more full a couple days ago, than today, but all the commotion of branding and sorting cows might have delayed her a little bit. Now that the cows are all out to pasture and the bulls are almost all gone, it should be a bit quieter around here.
If you don't hear from me for a few days, its because I'm either busy (I have two business events coming up later this week), or I'm off in a corner pouting, cause no one here has foaled yet.


Misty is 307 days today; Tana is 288 tody, Bonny is 286 today.

If she took her first cover, Showy could be as far along as 330 days today, but I doubt it; probably closer to 310. And, Honey is 310 at the most. [These last two mares were mostly pasture-bred, and I'm not 100% sure he can even reach them.]

And, Baybe is a year and 10 days past her last foaling, so you're guess is as good as mine.
Baybe is probably wanting to be real sure you're thru with branding so you don't scoop up her baby

and give it a brand, too.

Are all the irons put away? LOL
Yep, we're all done. And, almost all the cows and bulls are out to summer pasture. Just 3 bulls waiting to go out; 1 crippled cow and her calf, two butcher steers and my bum calf. The cow and her calf plus the two butcher steers will go out on the pasture up behind the house as soon as we get a chance to get them out there. Then, there will hopefully be some peace and quiet around here. Melvin, the bottle calf, will stay in the corrals to continue getting his milk and creep feed without risk of someone else stealing it.

Well if Baybe doesn't want the filly fairy I will have her
Well, I want the filly fairy, but with as long as this is taking, she probably has time to hit your place and fly back.
NOOOOOOOOOO pouting!!! I bet when she foals you disappear, too........playing with your new baby!! After all, she's cooking it PERFECTLY for YOU!!
It takes a long time to paint them perfectly, so I'll try to be more patient. If we are lucky, Tana's foal will have a good paint job too; Tana doesn't have spots, but she's appy bred (her sire is leopard). The rest will probably be solid with minimal chrome; most of my mares are solid with minimal chrome; Topper has a little more color than the girls, but not much.

Cone on Baybe, I know i gave the right directions to the filly fairy. We want to see your baby.
I've been trying to draw a map so she can find me at the edge of the world, but I ran out of ink, so she'll just have to wing it to find us.
Still at 6.8 or 7. It takes me longer to catch her than to take the sample and test. Gotta work on that.
LOL!! You will just have to run a bit faster!! Take heart, she WILL have this foal.................................... sometime!
LOL!! You will just have to run a bit faster!! Take heart, she WILL have this foal.................................... sometime!
If there isn't a foal in there, then she needs a diet fast. So, I hope she goes soon, and we can see her well cooked little bundle.
Well, maybe she's thinking about it... Last night, she did a little shopping, and her nipples aren't pointed quite so much towards each other. And, this morning, she wanted out on grass; no ifs ands or butts about it, she even left her hard feed to go stand at the gate. I'll be heading out to check on her shortly.
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NOW IS THE TIME BAYBE - we have waited long enough!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeese!!
Baybe foaled this afternoon. I wasn't there, and we lost the foal. Looks like the cord is really twisted (I'll try to get a picture). Sorrel and white, not sure of sex. I feel so bad, I should have been there. She was fine at lunch time, about 1:30; she ate her beet pulp; went out tonight at supper, about 7PM and found it.
Oh Chanda I am soooo terribly sorry!

This certainly isn't the outcome we wanted for you and Baybe as we joked about

her need to hurry along.

I'm just so sorry for both of you. I hope Baybe handles this well and that you take some

comfort that we are here with cyber hugs, for you.
I did take a couple pictures, and I'm pretty sure it was a twisted cord, but I've only had two mini foalings and can't remember what the cord looked like. [The first foal was preemie and only survived 24 hours; the second is now 3 years old and a holy terror.]

Baybe seems to be doing ok, standing over her foal, but she did leave it long enough to have a bite or two of her supper. [i was taking them supper when I found the foal, so changed her dinner from her usual mix to a small soaked beet pulp meal with just a taste of her usual dinner on top. Glad I have bp shreds as they soak up very quickly.]

I'm tryiing not to beat myself up too much, but this just sucks, and the foal is exactly what I wanted... a pinto filly.
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